Neptune Aquatics

New dosing and food dispense with chiller

DIDOSY Stirrex doses, stirs and chills food for the ultimate reef aquarium and baby fish doser
Saw that, and while that looks super cool, that's a lot of money for essentially one dosing item, if you have multiple cold items probably be much cheaper to go the dorm fridge approach and drill it with lines.

But hey someone came out with a good idea, now we'll wait for the Bubble Magus clone to come out at half the price :D
Very cool!
Yes, expensive, but a lot of different features beyond the simple dorm fridge / wine cooler.

That said , I see a serious lack of insulation.
eh.... the instant you put frozen feeds into it, decomp will start and nutritional quality starts to drop (slowly but surely). Sure both saltwater and the cold will slow it, but its activated the when it hits the water and thaws. This is a horrible idea for zooplankton feeds like mysis, mysids, shrimp, copepods, artemia and cyclops.
I can't imagine the stuff in the dosing tubes will be too spectacular considering it won't be cooled between dosing unless they have a way to back flush them after each dose.
Well you'll have a lot of the same issues with minifridge too (stuff left in the tubing), however at $500 per supplement these can get expensive in a hurry.

Eitherway if I'm spending that kind of cash I want to have a hands on feel for how it works, trade show , etc, not just buy sight unseen on the recommendation of blog which tends to seem commercial in nature (without working for said companies)
Some of the industrial dosers include the option for a line flush cycle with a different liquid. Volumes for those are measured in liters/hr rather than ml/min though. I looked for a small volume caustics doser with a line flush option and haven't found one yet.
Well Mike there really is only one solution... you need a bigger tank so a larger doser is useful :D

FYI, 1 liter/hr = 17 ml/min

So depending upon your dosing level it might not be too bad.
Back flushing is so 2005... (Aquabacs, Uhuru, Matt Wandell and of course Steve Weasts designs, not the reactor ones)
Well I guess if you want to put your whole doser in the minifrige then sure why not :D

Although if doing an "azoo" tank I'm guessing you feed multiple times per day (the name continuous feeder even suggests it :D) so stuff staying in the pipes isn't going to be too much of an issue.
That is the design I have looked into, seems the best way to constantly dose fresh food. It seems to me, that a mini-fridge and Bubble Magus with all the connecting lines is going to come in under $500 and have 3 feed options. Wonder what the difference in power usage is.
a mimni fridge IIRC should run you like $30 a year in electricity. I can take a look monday, I have most dorm sized refrigerator specs at work ;)

Mike, food spoilage is a known and you can find charts on temps:mass:time for spoilage. I have that somewhere at work as well :lol: The easiest thing to do is look at seafood recommendations. Both fresh fish and fresh shellfish should not be stored at 40F longer then a day or two.


That is not the chart I was talking about, but you can see how quickly the time drops off for seafood from 32F to 50F. The lines outside a refrigerator will quickly hit ambient room temp... mere minutes.
Thanks, the drop off on fish from the chart is impressive. Really shows you need to be putting your food right back into the fridge, something I have missed once or twice.