Cali Kid Corals

New Member Area/Introduce yourself thread

Welcome Michael (Reef Doc)! We will be glad to glean some words of wisdom from you. :D This club has sooo many people with diverse talents, it is just amazing. :)
Hi Everybody,

I'm Joel.

I've been a reef keeper for the past ten years and a fresh water enthusiast for the past 15 years. I was introduced to this organization by Tube Rider some years ago. I keep a 100 gallon salt water tank stocked mostly with fish, soft corals, and some stonies too. Tube Rider helped me with the design of my most recent set up, and in the process I've met some talented folks in the trade which I am greatly appreciative and in debt of.

I've been scuba diving since 1987 (SSI Certified: PADI/NAUI folks, cut me some slack). I don't dive too much because the reefs are getting too stressed out, so I mostly tend to my tanks and joy of husbandry instead. I enjoy underwater photography and video recording, and I will post some of them from time to time.

There is still a lot for me to learn, and I look forward to improving my knowledge and enhancing my appreciation of this hobby as it is my primary joy in life next to my wife Susan and our other pets. I look forward to meeting many of you over the years, learning from you and sharing my experiences as well. My membership has already been repaid to me many times over with knowledge and kindred spirit Tuber Rider has graciously shared through his passion, knowledge and generous goodwill. In exchange, I hope to add some value and be a resource to those seeking the same level of commitment in this amazing hobby.

I also enjoy foreign travel, motorcycle touring, and mountain bike riding (single track and down hilling) to name a few. Some of my favorite songs (can you guess?) is The Beatles' - Octopus's Garden, Bob Seger's - In Your Time, Bob Marley's - Three Little Birds.