Neptune Aquatics

New Member Area/Introduce yourself thread

Hi. My name's Andrew and I'm not new to the hobby but I was convinced to join. I know it's blasphemy but I'd rather have boring old non-reef-safe fish than corals although I do have a small trigger who gets along with my zoas.
Hi Andrew! Welcome to BAR. :)

I love non-reef-safe fish. One day I'd like to have a FOWLR set up. :)What kinds do you have?
Thanks everyone!

I've got a reef tank... kind of. 20 gal with 15 lbs. live rock and maybe 20 lbs. live sand.

1 zoa
1 picasso trigger
1 green chromis
1 orange firefish
1 PJ cardinal
clean up crew(snails/hermits)
Hi my name is Jaime. pronounced like "Hi me" not "jay me". anyway I am a total reefer. I have a 240 gallon mixed reef with 125 gallon sump that I designed and got truvu to build. I currently work for Anderson Audio Visual and can help out anyone with there audio visual needs will work for corals. I started with a 100 gallon reef and decided it was too small and jumped to my current 240 which IMO is still too small. I have had freshwater tanks all my life because of my father. he used to breed fish back in Nicaragua before he was married to my mom. And my mom wonders why I have an obsession. Anyway when I was in high school I decided to start my own tank 125 gallon african cichlid tank. went extremely well. fish were breeding in my tank and had over 80 or so in the tank. set up 2 29 gallon tanks for the mommas with dividers. also had a 29 gallon for some discus. then I added my 100 gallon reef. shut down all my breeders and discus and made a gravity fed system. my 100 DT then on a dresser was a 60 gallon that was fed by a pump from my sump which the 60 gallon overflowed by a bulkhead i drilled into the side to the first 20 gallon then to another 20 gallon then back to the sump. this allowed me to have all types of animals where they could be alone and have a lot of oxygen. my favorite was my rainbow mantis shrimp. well if you read this u probably think I'm crazy. and so does my mom. but I'm not. whaw ha ha ha
Well, if you (and your mom) think you are crazy, then you have joined the right club! :D Welcome to the crazy reefers club Jaime. LOL :bigsmile:
Welcome Jaime! It sounds like you have a little experience under your belt, good deal! I'm sure you can't wait to come to the swap!

If you haven't already you should start a tank thread, it's a great way to get to know BAR members, not to mention you'll get solid advice when you need it.
yeah I've been thinking about it. but I am waiting to get paid so I can pay for my membership here and the whole swap fees. more than likely if I go to the swap I would donate mushrooms and rhodactis' like the one's I posted on the swap forum. Never started a tank thread but I need more pics before I do that. soon. very soon.
No worries man, you can just come to the swap and hang out if you'd like, it's a good way to see what the club is about and talk to other reefers.
Thank you for the warm welcome Richard.
When I am not creating aqua scapes, I am creating in the garden too, and am told I have one of the best gardens in Montara.
I take it by your moniker you are the creative type too, and I look forward to meeting you and gaining an appreciation for your yard art....

Reef Keeper Joel
Hey all,

My Name is Matt . I have been into reef keeping for a little over three years. I have been a member of other sites ,but have finally found my way over here . :) I have been keeping a 26 bow for the three years that I have been into marine and also two picos. One is over two years old and the other is almost a year. I am starting a propagation system in the next few months and just want to become a coral Farmer . 8) The total system volume I think will be 120ish ? Anyways I go by Smitty , so you can call me that. Hope to meet you all soon .
Hey Smitty! Do still have my Toots Hibbert bootleg?..... Wait that's another Smitty :D... Anyway welcome to the club/forum feel free to ask/answer questions, we're an awfully friendly group :)
Hi, I'm Stefani.

I worked at my LFS when I was 17 - 19 in exchange for reef things. I got my first SW tank that way, it was a 34g curved glass bowfront with an eclipse filter hood that I modded for two 20w 10,000k CFs. It was a FOWLR with one nasty mean anemone. How one learns. That tank got broken down in 2005 and I didn't get back into the hobby until January of this year.

Now I live in 300 sq feet and have built a custom 4 gal biorb with central overflow to a 10g tall display sump for a 14 gallon total system.

55w circular 50/50s (it's the current usa pendant lamp)
live rock & LR rubble (can't remember how much anymore)
softies, sps, and lps.
Hi-fin gobie
gumdrop gobie

Display sump:
2 20w 50/50s
small turf scrubber
surface skimmer
dinky Oceanic protein skimmer
6" remote deep sand bed
20-ish lbs live rock
mag 5 return pump (kind of overkill)
Reef Keeper Lite -- running timers, flood detecor, pH and temp monitors, and ATO.


My close friends think I'm obsessed with my fish tank, so I'm here to find some more local people who will understand that it's not an obsession, but a hobby... that we like a lot. =)

I don't know what the etiquette is, but I just thought I'd mention that a BAR member gave me most of the corals you can see in the pic. Thanks!
Welcome Stefani,

Not to offend anyone here but I understand where you are coming from with into your hobby. My roommates a while back wondered where I was and one said to the other he is probably on the computer again with his fish porn. Well now the joke has stuck and I am an official surfer of fish porn by the hours.

Again welcome to a place where we understand the drive to reef.

Joel, this fish porn time means I am not out in the garden as much as I used to be. My yardart is folk so not all warm to its sensibility, and I wont hold you to it. Check out to see. I now manage a manufacturing small business retail store.
Thanks for the welcome! I'm really happy with this system. If I had to do it over again I *might* do it a little differently, but overall I'm really pleased with it.

I'll be modding a SCWD for the orb pretty soon here to get some variability into the water movement. I just ordered some of the plastics for it today.
stefalopod said:
I'll be modding a SCWD for the orb pretty soon here to get some variability into the water movement. I just ordered some of the plastics for it today.

Whoa ! You are obssesed ! :D A scwd for the bio-orb ? You rock ! :davie: