Hi, I'm Stefani.
I worked at my LFS when I was 17 - 19 in exchange for reef things. I got my first SW tank that way, it was a 34g curved glass bowfront with an eclipse filter hood that I modded for two 20w 10,000k CFs. It was a FOWLR with one nasty mean anemone. How one learns. That tank got broken down in 2005 and I didn't get back into the hobby until January of this year.
Now I live in 300 sq feet and have built a custom 4 gal biorb with central overflow to a 10g tall display sump for a 14 gallon total system.
55w circular 50/50s (it's the current usa pendant lamp)
live rock & LR rubble (can't remember how much anymore)
softies, sps, and lps.
Hi-fin gobie
gumdrop gobie
Display sump:
2 20w 50/50s
small turf scrubber
surface skimmer
dinky Oceanic protein skimmer
6" remote deep sand bed
20-ish lbs live rock
mag 5 return pump (kind of overkill)
Reef Keeper Lite -- running timers, flood detecor, pH and temp monitors, and ATO.
My close friends think I'm obsessed with my fish tank, so I'm here to find some more local people who will understand that it's not an obsession, but a hobby... that we like a lot. =)
I don't know what the etiquette is, but I just thought I'd mention that a BAR member gave me most of the corals you can see in the pic. Thanks!