Reef nutrition

(New) Quanta Lights (ATLAS, Helix) controlled by a Hydros Controller

Since these lights do intentionally not have an app or other form of controller, they will require one.

They seem to connect with a 0-10 V connector which my Hydros Wave Engine v2 has, but this will still not allow me to control the lights with a light scheduler. To do this, one of the Hydros Control X models is required.

It does seem that the controller would allow to a) dim the lights by adjusting voltage, and b) to create a schedule of various intensities over the day. I wonder if anyone has done this already with other dimmable lights and if there were any issues with doing this, or any other positive or negative experience?

You are able to achieve light controllability with ONLY a WaveEnginev2. Simply create a single device collective, and the LIGHT scheme will appear in the list of your schedule. :)

Always make sure to reach out if you have any questions!
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You are able to achieve light controllability with ONLY a WaveEnginev2. Simply create a single device collective, and the LIGHT scheme will appear in the list of your schedule. :)

Always make sure to reach out if you have any questions!

There is no light acclimation feature built into the Hydros software - is this correct?