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News From Aquarium Concepts - BAR Sponsor

Just stopped by there, didn't see any sunburst anthias, at least I don't think so. They had two large square anthias, and 3 other anthias that I couldn't ID for sure, but they didn't have the head markings that the sunburst have. Might have been bartlett's or something like that.
I'll keep my eyes peeled for you guys - I usually go to Aquatic Gallery and All About Fish pretty regularly, and AC is a couple minutes away.
No sunburst at All About Fish today =/ Some big square spots and some other smallish ones...

BTW they have some sweet wrasses, one called a Twisti Wrasse? Bob said he accidentally picked it up, and said it's hard to keep... but I saw it eat a little bit of mysis, though definitely not as vigorously as the pink bar or the exquisites.

It has one spot on the end of the dorsal, and one on the bottom fin, kind of symmetrical. Looks like an arrow, kinda blue/green as well.