Hey I solder all the time, usually its one wire to another, I use a a big old school iron that weighs about half a pound, has a cloth braided cord, and one it gets hot you can unplug it and still use it to solder a good half hour later.
Now you want to talk about precision soldering of little points on a circuit board... then my skill level drops of quickly
Ok, I feel a little better now. I was able to go into the system via the ethernet port and program the PowerStrip 8. I can see Temp & Ph via the IP address and the graphing of it too. Now I must wait for Monday. :|
Cheers. arty: Sent the display unit to Neptune and Just got it back today! It appears they have changed out the wire completely. Plugged it in and its working fine!
As far at the Kitty goes (2 years old), I adopted her from a shelter a few weeks earlier. She has been chewing up all the small cords in my daughters room since she has been here (that is where she stayed without supervision). We kitty proofed (or tried to) by spraying this very bitter spray "Phooey" all over cords. It did get better after spraying, but then she would find others to chew on (headphones). We were tired of replacing or splicing things back together. Kitty went back to the shelter . It's just not safe. So no more worries of kitty teeth anymore.