Reef nutrition

November 2011 BOD meeting


Past President
First meeting post so bear with me if I haven't figured out how exactly to use this feature of our site... ;)

BOD meeting

Come see the new board learn the ropes. This is a good one to hear the details of the various positions as the incoming BOD gets the chance to ask the outgoing BOD exactly how it all works.

We'll be discussing our upcoming 2012 schedule, a potential speaker list, and fun things like that.

This BOD meeting is open to all 2011 members in good standing. See you there.

Where's Chabot College?
Downloadable map of Chabot College with building numbers (6MB).
If BAR plans on doing BAYMAC next year, I highly urge you to talk about it at this meeting. I can't attend (on the road), nor do I have access to the forums here as a member (Mike, I had meant next year re: membership, but OK that makes my decision on helping with BAYMAC really easy) so I won't be of much help.
Coral reefer said:

Just a FYI...

its not possible for me to respond to PMs. Mike so do not feel I am blowing your message off :) email only.
Agenda for the upcoming meeting.

Recognition of outgoing BOD and introduction of new BOD members.
December 2011 potluck and speaker announcement.
December 2012 schedule of events. Jim has been very busy and he''ll be presenting the speaker/date pairings.
Securing 2012 Sponsors. We've got some new commitments for 2012!
Proposed 2012 workshops and DIY sessions. Just started working on this behind the scenes, internally we have a few ideas and already some commitments.

Information transfer between outgoing and incoming BOD. So many questions...

On the last point this meeting has the potential to be very informative for all the club's members due to the diverse flow of information. See you there.

And of course Sergio is on an absolute DBTC tear this weekend and you'd hate to miss that!
BAR Meeting November 12, 2011.

In attendance: yardartist, Kirb_dog01, GDawson, Seminolecpa, lattehiatus, Coral reefer, bondolo, Newhobby, saltwatersig, treylane, Erick, Mr McReef, houser, Crosis, Patchin.

Dave called the meeting to order with a contractors hammer.

Minutes, yardartist.

The ourgoing board was thanked.

The returning board memebers were thanked; Patchin, Pixelpixi, as well as Houser.

New board members were thanked; Gimmito, mray2660, GDawson, and Coral reefer.

The December meeting will be held in the same room and include a raffle. The entertainment/speaker is Thales.

The meeting schedule for 2012. Workshop presentations by members will include talks and demonstrations to be announced as they are developed. The alternating BOD and speaker cycle have been switched from last year to give a planning and debrief time before and after BAYMAC.

Jan 14th Open Meeting with Matt Wandell
Feb 11th BOD meeting and Workshop
Mar 10th Open Meeting with Bob Fenner
Apr 14th BOD Meeting strategic planning for BAYMAC, and Workshop
May 12th(date may change) BAYMAC
Jun 9th BOD Meeting and Workshop
Jul 14th Open Meeting with Dana Riddle
Aug 11th BOD (secret bunker) Meeting
Sep 8th Members Only Frag Swap, Nominations for 2013 BOD
Oct 13th BOD Meeting, Elections and Workshop
Nov 10th Open Meeting with David Cripe
Dec 8th Potluck

Dave will be working to make the next years BOD transition as smooth as possible. He suggests the 2013 BOD start in January, 2013. The current BOD assumed positions in October.

Jim, Mike, and Ian will be working together to propose BAR sponsors for 2012.

Everyone introduced themselves and said a bit about their tanks.

After about an hour the meeting was adjourned, with the same hammer.
For workshop topics

- I'm very interested in an aquascaping session whether presented by Gresham, JesterSix or anyone else who's used hydraulic cement without killing their tank.

- I'm willing to do a workshop on contributing to Wikipedia for reef aquarium enthusiasts. (photos, articles, editing, wikisms, resources, citations, vandalism patrol, etc). I've been contributing to WikiProject Aquariums for about eight months now and can share what I've learned.
My only interest was having one down at BAYMAC in years past, but not doing it myself. To do that means I have "free time" and that is about the most laughable thing in my life right now :D