Don't forget to plan for the swap people. Now hopefully your frags have been made already, and I know there's always the fresh cut vs precut argument and I'll leave it at that. But don't forget to have extra salt water made up to replace water you're putting into containers if you're doing more than a few corals (or have a nano tank). Also be prepared for treating corals you bring back from the swap. Bayer Insecticide dip is my go-to for killing off anything hitch hiking here's a link to the instructions
For those who can't be bothered with clicking a link, here's the verbose version

In general you'll want to have 3 containers to deal with dipping corals, and I do this regardless of the dip involved. Also make sure you wear gloves and protect your eyes, this is quite literally poison you're dealing with.
Mix up your dip at about a 25:1 ratio of salt water to bayer dip, this comes out to about 10mL per cup (8 oz) of water, while going above or below by a little isn't super critical to the coral you're not going to eyeball 10mL so use a syringe, I'd much rather eye ball 8 oz of water than 10mL if I had to, if you manage to nab one of the deli containers those are 16oz.
Put your corals in for 10-15 minutes, LPS and softies I tend to do a little bit on the lower side but plenty have said corals do fine the "pissed off" period might just be a bit longer. During this time swish your corals around, use a turkey baster or something to get water movement to shake off any critters, if you did the proper ratio the water probably will be too milky white to see anything, so don't wait to see critters falling off assume they are as you swish/baste.
After the time move them to a new container with salt water, continue the shake and swish treatment to remove any residual coral dip and any buggers that and hanging on for deal life.
Then the final rinse container for a recovery rinse for 15+ minutes to make sure no dip is left on the corals, you really don't want to get it in your tank, this step should not be skipped. If your one of those who don't pop off frag plugs you may want to go for an even longer rinse time if the frag plug is more of a porous nature i.e. textured/rough aragonate versus smooth ceramic. Although do note that those flat ceramic square plugs often are hollow inside which can possibly keep some of the dip in there so just be careful before putting back into your tank.