Cali Kid Corals

October 10th 1:00 General meeting featuring Paul Whitby and a DBTC bonanza

Meetings usually take a little time to get started, so I think you could hear a lot of the talk. There's a raffle at the end. You'll learn more about the DBTC program and get to meet and hang out with lots of cool reef geeks. In other words, come on by! The meetings will last until 3 or 4.
I won't be able to make this one, as I'm leading a weekend retreat for some people.
Well, "people" is a loose use of the term; they are teenagers.
...just spent a couple minutes pondering what term would be better for describing teenagers than "people". I didn't decide on anything, but toyed around with adjectives like "dramatic" "hormonal" and "zitty" to name a few. Any other ideas?

...But I digress. I'd LOVE to see this presentation; is it available online anywhere (from other places its been given)? Is anyone recording it? Pretty pretty please? :)

Has everyone seen the "Bonsai inspired" thread on RC? That one stands out as my favorite aquascaping so far. I wonder what tanks he'll reference, if any.
I am surprised that no one asked about which room we are using. I hope its the one which we had Delbeek speak at....much larger and better room than the normal one next to the cafe.
Paul's IMACwest talk 9same subject) is available on DVD from IMACwest website. I think it's up now that is :)

Yah, which room and which parking lot should I use? :)
If it's convenient for you, I'd like to send my first two donations to the DBTC program with you for the Saturday meeting. I can't make it myself. I'll make my schedule fit yours for pick-up. (or I'll drop off)

(1) Screaming Green Bird's Nest
(2) Firefly Echinopora (true chalice, bright geen eyes)

Both very fast growers in medium current and moderate T5 lighting.
So before I purchase the DVD, last call that no one is videotaping it?
It's only $10, but it's still $10.

If not, I'll order it, and then anyone who needs to can borrow it.

Let me put it this way, out of the dozens of BAR meeting we have had I only remember one being taped ;) Highly doubt it will be taped, and that is only with the speakers approval.
tuberider said:
I really like to say "you should have been there", it's kinda like saying "the waves were going off a couple of hours ago" :D

You shoulda been here last week...famous surf quote :lol:
I could be convinced to tape it... Jeremy, Charles? Will this speaker let us tape it? I'm guessing no since they are charging for it over on the IMAC website.
Nope. It does kill speakers ability to do the talk again in the general area. Most clubs find it not in their best interest to record events. The idea is for members to show support to the speaker the day of. Attendance really helps spark energy at events and brings out the spakers energy more IME/IMO :)
Ok, I'll buy it. It will probably be better quality on their DVD anyway. Oh well, really wish I could be there.
If anyone can't make it and wants to borrow it, I should have a copy before long.
earthboy17 said:
Ok, I'll buy it. It will probably be better quality on their DVD anyway. Oh well, really wish I could be there.
If anyone can't make it and wants to borrow it, I should have a copy before long.

I heard he changed that talk for us :) It could be different then the IMAC one.
We have three rooms blocked for us for flexibility. If we knew how many people were going to be there it would help us, but......
Go ahead and park in the normal lot. It's a short walk to any of the rooms. More info to come.