got ethical husbandry?

Ok who's going to IMAC West? July 31 st weekend.

Thales and Matt are both speakers so we know they're going. I'm going of course. Heard Jim might go. Mark P is heading down.
My wife leaving early to go to a business trip in St. Louis. She wants me to go with her to check out the ballpark but the cost of the flight etc for me may be cost prohibitive. Thus if I don't go with her to St Louis and she still goes I can likely go to IMAC. Still working out the details.
Anyone going down on Thursday? - I think I'm supposed to go to the behind the scenes tour at the Long Beach Aquarium (paid for) but haven't heard any word from anyone on this.
I think Jim (Bookfish) is flying down Thursday.

I'll have Frank send an update to LBA ticket holders.
I'm driving down thursday day, but making a visit & excursion along the way. Driving straight back sunday after the show. Anyone want to carpool back?
Man check in is not till 4pm on the queen mary on Friday....I will probably be there in the parking lot at like 6am from my drive...If you see me sleeping in the car wake me up : )
Let me see if I can help you on that. I'll have Frank give them a call and see if we can sort out a solution for you. Worst case scenario you can crash in my suite until your ready to attend the event :) I leave tomorrow.