Simply put, bad manufacturing resulted in a fixture where the mogal won't even fit properly.
The holes from the outer black fixture through the inner reflector do not line up at all.
This is a straight on image. You can see how the reflector cutout is way lower. They should line up.
I try and put in the mogal to the proper centered depth at the reflector focal point bulb depth. Because of the hole offset, the bulb goes in really crooked. The ceramic is touching the reflector on the top, yet the "flatest" I am able to get it, leaves a big gap on the bottom. between the mogal base and the slide base with the slots.
Here is a side view of the holder. Notice how crooked it is. Even if it was perfectly flat, the two holes still misalign too much to fit the bulb (I tried to do a straight install ignoring the mogul fixture)
Also, I didn't make a fuss over it because they were relatively minor, but now they sorta glow in the dark in light of the other frustrations. There are several small scratches on the housing.