Awesome! I worked as a biologist at the old location for four years, best job I ever had and had the opportunity to collect native fish in the Russian River with Frank a couple times. Really loved that place and the old building was really unique and had a lot of charm.I unearthed these relics the other day…
Many fond memories there of all the South American cichlids at full size.
Man that brings up nostalgia memories for me. While the new aquarium is light years beyond what the old "aquarium" area was, I do kind of miss the old lay out, the hall of gems was a permanent piece and not just a rolling exhibit, the space area felt all spacey and dark and while you can argue the new planetarium is way better it's more of an iMAX theater than a true planetarium anyways. Don't get me wrong, there definitely are benefits to the new place, but still have a sense of nostalgia for the old since it seemed every year we'd have a field trip for school there![]()
You're definitely not the only one to share those thoughts... I feel the same, as do several of my friends. The old one had such character, and had stuff hidden all over.I'm sure it's because I'm looking through the rose-colored glasses of childhood, but I really miss the old layout. The new one feels smaller, somehow.
It felt like it was endless, that there were always more secrets or new exhibits or things I'd never noticed before. I loved the old dinosaur dioramas and, while the new reef tank is breathtaking, I could spend HOURS just watching the old reef shark exhibit.
What is your specialtyOne of my absolute favorite places to visit when I was a kid, and probably a major contributor to my ending up a scientist.