Neptune Aquatics

Parys salt adventure

Welcome to reefing @Bagelfish ! This hobby has ups and downs, and everyone makes lots of mistakes as they go. You'll learn a lot if you keep researching and especially if you keep asking questions.

Also keep in mind a lot of nuance gets lost in online forum messages, so don't take anything personally. Keep engaging and keep asking. IMO people come across way too strongly in these situations, and if you feel people are talking down to you, feel free to go tell them where to put their corals!

In your situation, it's not super clear what your setup is, so it's hard to assess exactly what the issues could be. If you're using everything that's stock with a fluval flex, unfortunately it's probably going to limit what you can live and live well. The mushrooms you have likely would be fine, as would many soft corals. LPS, anemones, and anything stony (sps) would be a struggle (in that order of struggle).

Additionally flow considerations run in basically that order as well. Your stock setup would likely lead anemones on to struggle.

Regarding multiply anemones, are you sure you have multiple? For instance, the green tipped things in your anemone picture look like green tipped mushrooms. If you are however having some anemones successful, then that's great and a bit surprising.

Generally, you're likely going to want to read up a bit on the things you currently have and general guidelines on them. All the guidelines you'll find are just guidelines and open for debate. It's not like an anemone cares that it's in a 5 gallon tank versus the ocean, nor that it's in a 1 month old tank versus a 1 year old. The difference generally is how stable you are able to keep that tank, which improves over time. Additionally some natural stuff happens in the tank that assists too.

Becoming a supporting member isn't going to somehow magically fix your tank, nor magically make people be super supportive. There's a lot of good reef forums that also help and also check those boxes. It does though help keep things running, and gives you access to some internal deals and commonly higher priority for help due to paying your way into the in-club.

Good luck and keep it up!
Welcome to reefing @Bagelfish ! This hobby has ups and downs, and everyone makes lots of mistakes as they go. You'll learn a lot if you keep researching and especially if you keep asking questions.

Also keep in mind a lot of nuance gets lost in online forum messages, so don't take anything personally. Keep engaging and keep asking. IMO people come across way too strongly in these situations, and if you feel people are talking down to you, feel free to go tell them where to put their corals!

In your situation, it's not super clear what your setup is, so it's hard to assess exactly what the issues could be. If you're using everything that's stock with a fluval flex, unfortunately it's probably going to limit what you can live and live well. The mushrooms you have likely would be fine, as would many soft corals. LPS, anemones, and anything stony (sps) would be a struggle (in that order of struggle).

Additionally flow considerations run in basically that order as well. Your stock setup would likely lead anemones on to struggle.

Regarding multiply anemones, are you sure you have multiple? For instance, the green tipped things in your anemone picture look like green tipped mushrooms. If you are however having some anemones successful, then that's great and a bit surprising.

Generally, you're likely going to want to read up a bit on the things you currently have and general guidelines on them. All the guidelines you'll find are just guidelines and open for debate. It's not like an anemone cares that it's in a 5 gallon tank versus the ocean, nor that it's in a 1 month old tank versus a 1 year old. The difference generally is how stable you are able to keep that tank, which improves over time. Additionally some natural stuff happens in the tank that assists too.

Becoming a supporting member isn't going to somehow magically fix your tank, nor magically make people be super supportive. There's a lot of good reef forums that also help and also check those boxes. It does though help keep things running, and gives you access to some internal deals and commonly higher priority for help due to paying your way into the in-club.

Good luck and keep it up!
Awesome thanks so much for taking the time to write it out. Helps a lot. Thanks a ton