

of course dilution helps but the fact stands sea water can in fact kill you. Salt kills life which is why people for ages have used it as a major source for preserving meat and such.

Don't trust I'm right, drink two cups and try to calling me in the morning :lol:

I wish I had my Dive medic first aid book here at work, I could pull the chapter for you that is solely on this very topic.

Is sea salt healthful?

David Klein’s response:
The major component of sea salt is sodium chloride, which is also the major component of table salt. Sea salt is touted as being healthier than table salt because the former has more trace minerals and the latter is heat processed. Nonetheless, sodium chloride in any form is toxic- it impairs all of our metabolic and cellular functions. Because it is toxic, the body retains water to dilute the toxicity so we don’t die. This is edema, and it can result in headaches and heart irregularity. When we are retaining water, the fluid balance in the body is out of balance and cellular transport is Impaired. The body needs to maintain the fluid pressure inside the cells at a specific ratio to the fluid pressure outside of the cells. When we have extra high fluid pressure outside of the cells as a result of salt eating, the cells are not able to efficiently transport normal metabolic wastes out of the cells, thus we become more and more toxic, leading to chronic fatigue and illness. Furthermore, the body needs to maintain specific concentration ratios of sodium to potassium inside and outside of the cells for proper functioning. A high salt diet leads to excess sodium becoming “locked into” cells, creating cellular dysfunction. This has been linked to many modern diseases, including cancer, diabetes, hardening of arteries, hypertension, kidney disease, nervous disorders, and osteoporosis.

As long as we have salt in our diet, we cannot effectively detoxify, lose excess weight and completely heal. Once we discontinue salt, it can take as many as a few years to offload all of the excess sodium.

Source: Your Natural Diet: Alive Raw Foods By Dr. T.C. Fry & David Klein pg
OK had to google it...

I bet it's good, I like Turkey neck :lol:
GreshamH said:
OK had to google it...

I bet it's good, I like Turkey neck :lol:

Is not turkey, is also a pig's meat inner neck but tender and yummy, if you are up here in San Francisco, La Alteña taqueria on Mission and 22nd has buche, just tell them finely chopped; most places that specialize in carnitas should make buche too.
My mouth has been watering since yesterday, need to get me some tacos...
pixelpixi said:
Uhh, dude... fresh water can also kill you.

Your source is some raw food nut? Sure, too much salt can be harmful. So can too little.
Dude sure over time too little can kill you, but, one large ingestion of SW and your dead. The amount of FW it takes is massive. One really has to work hard at killing themselves by drinking freshwater :lol:

And no, he's not my source, just something I grabbed to illustrate. My source is my medic first aid instructor and my vast knowledge of what the ocean can do to you from close to 30 years of oceanic training. Obviously you can't overlook the link and realize I might know what I am talking about. I've pulled nearly dead people from the surf and have assisted numerous rescues where in the victim had ingested large amounts of saltwater. During one of the rescues I myself ingested a good volume of seawater and it was not fun. It didn't feel like when I got the bends though.

Just to further illustrate my point...

Try having that happen with freshwater ;) Won't happen. I've seen/felt the effects first hand and it sucks.

Or try having this happen with FW...

Used as a source to make you puke (for "cleansing" sake)

The ingestion of salt water and subsequent cleanse of the digestive tract is not unique to Yoga, however. It is also a practice which the ancient Hawaiians used in their traditional healing.

The volume I still can't find but I put that call out to a diver doctor I know and as well to a DVM to see what amount it takes to kill an average size dog.
xcaret said:
GreshamH said:
OK had to google it...

I bet it's good, I like Turkey neck :lol:

Is not turkey, is also a pig's meat inner neck but tender and yummy, if you are up here in San Francisco, La Alteña taqueria on Mission and 22nd has buche, just tell them finely chopped; most places that specialize in carnitas should make buche too.
My mouth has been watering since yesterday, need to get me some tacos...

I know it's not turkey neck ;) I said I like turkey neck... meaning I'll probably like this neck as well ;)
Lets play the hand waving approximation game

Sodium chloride rat, oral 3,000 mg/kg

Suppose an 80kg person--> 240 grams NaCl

1gall seawatter = 8.33lbs=3,764g
@3.5% "salt",--> 113 grams

--> 0.8gallons of seawater to kill you 50% of the time.

Very crude approximation, but it should get you in the ballpark.
So around 12 to 13 cups of NSW can kill an 80kg person 50% of the time, give or take. That would take some effort if you were just drinking it. Possible, but a lot easier then dying from too much FW :p

It only takes one to make you feel ill though :(
yes..but, it probably takes less to make you delusional or maybe go unconscious (not good if you are in the water :p) etc There is the other aspect of being able to actually keep the SW in your system without hurling.

Absolutely right though..doesn't take much to make you feel like crap. Once you drink a cup, your stomach has to osmotically balance (go go osmosis!) and starts to dehydrate etc. I bet it feels lovely! Internal human jerky!!!
"They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time"


And the response to me finding the quote was pretty hilarious...

"Of course it's a joke, but the point is it can be interpreted in a way that makes sense.

6 out of 10 times you "try" it has a 100% success rate. The other 4 attempts could have a 0% success rate or a 20% success rate or whatever unspecified number. The significant fact is that those 6 times it works no matter what.

Maybe the effect of Sex Panther wears off after a while so the chances on the other 4 tries are reduced.. or perhaps 60% of the female population cannot resist Sex Panther so on that 60% it has a 100% success rate. The other 40% of women could be naturally immune or (since that is probably impossible) they could have a slight resistance, such that 40% of the time it only works ALMOST every time.

So Brian Fantana COULD be saying.. "60% of the time it works every time and 40% of the time it has a minuscule chance of failure." Of course, Fantana's natural musk probably makes up for that minuscule chance so why should he even go through with mentioning it?"
Sex Panther? Any relation to Cougar Booster? :lol: sorry :lol:
Mathew, only the posts before your prior post are useful to you :) I believe the consensus was for you to mix your own salt water since NSW is likely not that clean. Also that testing phosphates may or may not be useful because of it potentially being bound in your rock (in which case, there isn't too much you can do)