Supporting Member
Oxy* products (& KMnO4) are just really harsh oxidizing agents, not exactly a "toxin" persay... but hey so's ozone, so might want to toss that out too 
As to flowing out to the bay, when I say outside drain, I'm talking about one that's hooked to your sewage system, not just the rain overflow drains on the streets. I swear as often as I see LFS emptying tank water out to the street... makes me wonder why they don't ban more things in this state other than caulerpa.
As to flowing out to the bay, when I say outside drain, I'm talking about one that's hooked to your sewage system, not just the rain overflow drains on the streets. I swear as often as I see LFS emptying tank water out to the street... makes me wonder why they don't ban more things in this state other than caulerpa.