Article V - Board of Directors
Section A
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the organization who are elected every year. In the event a Board member resigns or is removed, the remaining Officers and Directors, even if less than a quorum of the Board remains, shall fill the vacancy or vacancies for the unexpired term(s) by appointment.
Section B
Meetings of the Board of Directors shall he held prior to the general membership meeting of the organization at a time and place determined by the President. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President, the Vice President, or by notice signed by a majority of the Directors and notice given to the board members not less than one (1) day prior to such meeting. Special meetings may be held at any time or place agreed upon by a majority of the Board.
Section C
A majority of the duly elected or appointed members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Section D
BAR will be governed by a Board of Directors (BOD). The BOD shall be responsible for all aspects of BAR. The BOD is empowered to make binding decisions for the benefit of BAR. These decisions can include but are not limited to organizing the general meetings, arranging for publications and meeting notices, organizing and conducting special events. All decisions made by the BOD are final.
Section E
Members of the board of Directors are exempt from paying annual membership dues. When their renewal date occurs during their term of office, members will receive the renewal of an individual membership without dues payment. Once no longer on the Board of Directors they will be required to begin paying dues at their next annual renewal.
Article VI - Officers
Section A
The Officers of the organization shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Director, and, if available, 4 officers at large, all elected by the members of the organization for a one year term. Nothing in this section shall preclude any Officer from serving more than one consecutive term, providing he or she is nominated by the nominating committee or from the floor.
Section B
A vacancy in any Officer position shall be filled by appointment of the President.
Article VII - Election of Officers and Directors
Section A
Election of Officers and Directors shall be held every November.
Section B
Candidates for election to Officer and directors, or any person being considered for appointment to an open Board of Directors position must be a member in good standing.
Section C
The President must appoint a nominating committee at the September board meeting of an Election year, comprised of not less than three (3) members including a Chairperson of that committee. This committee shall meet and select candidates for the Officers and Directors to be presented to the membership at the October general membership meeting.
At the October general membership meeting, the chairperson shall present the candidates to the membership. The President shall call for nominations from the floor. If there are no opposing candidates from those presented by the nominating committee, a vote shall take place. If there is more than one candidate for any of the offices, voting shall take place the following month during the November general membership meeting. Nominations from the floor, if any, shall be made by persons who are members in good standing.
Section D
Voting may be verbal, by hand, or by secret ballot, but if two or more candidates are nominated for any position, then the vote shall be made by secret ballot. The candidate with the highest number of votes shall be declared elected by the President. In the event of a tie, the President shall call for another vote (run-off) until one person is elected.