Reef nutrition

Reef Crystals... UGH!

Speaking of which. You need any containers to put them in, Norm? I can run down to the TAPS near work here and grab a mess of them.
And speaking of that, do you want any money to pay for said containers or supplies? I know we're cool like that but still don't want to seem like too much of a mooch :D
At the last BOD meeting awhile back, Norman brought up the calibration standards solution that he was on. I think it was gonna be sold by the club to supplement the fragging supplies that are currently being sold at the meets.

If this was the case, then the club would be subsidizing Norman correct?
Thinking ahead...if we "mass produced" salinity, Ca, Mg and Alk standards and sold them to club members at cost (sorta like how other things are sold) and then have plenty extra for sale at "elevated" rates for the regional frag swap. Fundraising is good :-D