Neptune Aquatics

Replacement Jebao Power Supply

I have two Jebao DC-9000 pumps which I use as a return pump. Last week, the power supply on the primary pump failed and I had to swap them.

The backup pump is working fine and I've moved the brick of the power supply outside of the cabinet to an area I hope it can cool better - but ambient temperatures in our house are often over 80 degrees. I'm afraid this one may also overheat and fail.

Any advice on buying a more resilient, replacement power supply? I know very little about electrical engineering and what might cause one power supply to fail vs. another.

Here's a picture of the spec of the 24v 5a power supply driving the pump:

As long as it's UL listed, you should be good. Believe it or not, it actually does make a difference of where you get them because there actually are better quality resistors, capacitors, and transistors that have a longer lifespan. Of course, you pay for it in price though.
My jebao dc9000 death while I'm on vacation, lucky enough I found out when it just about to die when I almost home. The reason I said that because the pump does not work but water still warm and coral still ok. I quickly unplug power and plug it back and it work for another day then it completely death. I have a spare DTC12000 pump and found out they are the same power supply while swapping out the pump I try to troubleshoot and confirm the power supply is the problem.

Where did you get your replacement power supply last time?
Yeah, I've had to replace my EcoTech power supplies a few times over the years, like anything they're liable to crap out, especially if you get one that is under spec, or very close to the actual power needed.