High Tide Aquatics

Return pump recommendations


Supporting Member
I'm looking for a recommendation on a return pump some of the requirements

1) Its got to be submersible, I dont want to have to drill a hole in my sump to mount externally

2) While it doesn't need to be the most quietest pump out there, it shouldn't sound like you're running an engine without oil

3) Needs to pump a minimum of 1000gph, although closer to 1500 gph would be a better match.

4) I would like one on the lower spectrum of pricing range, I don't want to spend $200 on a pump.

So lemme hear those recommendations!
sfsuphysics said:
3) Needs to pump a minimum of 1000gph, although closer to 1500 gph would be a better match.

4) I would like one on the lower spectrum of pricing range, I don't want to spend $200 on a pump.
I think mag pump is the only one can meet these requirement :) ..
I've also heard of the ocean runner pumps which seem to be really over powered, more so got mentioned the needle wheel version for a skimmer, but any experience with them as return pumps?

And there are quite a few pumps that are less than $200 and can run 1000-1500gph :p
I inherited a Via Aqua with the 180 and bought another when it crapped out. Bad decision.

I've had a Eheim for a few months. It works great and is much quieter than the Via Aquas.

Best of luck,

sfsuphysics said:
And there are quite a few pumps that are less than $200 and can run 1000-1500gph :p

yeah but most are external. I like MAG pump :D .. Quiet One is another one but from what I hear it's not that quiet.
Eheim seem to be the ones to get for low noise and low power consumption, I think. Mags are inexpensive, but not all that quiet, and do use more power. Yeah... and I have a bunch of Mags on my systems :(

Slow flow through the sump is better for skimmer.
I have a quiet one 4000 in use for 1 year now. It's quiet and has low power consumption. I did put it on top of a padding to get rid of vibration noices against my glass sump.
I guano you not, but you have to put your ear close to the pump (or touch it) to know it's running. The return pump is submerged, and the closed loop is external. Same model.

The body doesn't get as warm as the Mags. Eheim, fine German engineering.
Well the sump's water level is going to be higher than the bottom tank's water level so I'm sort of using it as a return/closed loop all in one (of sorts) that and having cut a slat out of the back glass I see how fricking thick it is and do not want to drill another hole for a closed loop.
I used a Ocean Runner 3500 for about a week, it is huge, heavy, but very sturdy. Not too noisy, but generate some heat. It generates too much flow that my small overflow had a hard time keep up with it. I then switched to a quiet one 3000. It is much smaller (1/3 of size), use much less power, and generate less flow, which are good things. The bad thing is that it can be quite noisy at the beginning, and gets a little better after a while (even though still produce more noise than I hoped for). The bigger problem with the quiet one is that it has a hard time to restart, and sometimes I have to plug it in 10 times to get it restarted:(.
I use an Eheim 1262 for my return pump and Tunze Streams for circulation in the tank. (210 gallon tank) I like Eheim products as they are quiet and reliable. Low heat and energy usage.

I found this thread very interesting: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=550482&highlight=tunze
I just switched from a VIa Aqua 3600 back to my trust ViaAqua 2600. I've never had problems with these guys. Reasonably quiet, fairly low power consumption (the 2600 claims 45W and the 3600 claims 80W ... hey! A chance to use my new Kill-A-Watt!)
The start and stop easily.

I WAS using a QuietOne 4000, but it never re-started consistently, I bought it to get more flow without a large hit in power usage. But it was NOT quiet, and after a while it just stopped working. Oddly, I recently cleaned it all out and got it restarted. I think it had sand jamming it up.

If I had to replace the ViaAqua, I'd either go with an Eheim like Jim suggests to see if it's really THAT good, otherwise I'd just replace it with an identical ViaAqua.

My mags are pretty fricken loud (Mag5, Mag 2). I use them to run my skimmer and CA Reactor, though in fairness the loudness could be because they are running the skimmer and reactor (instead of just pushing water as a return pump).

The reason I went form the VA3600 (1057 gph at 0') to the VA2600 (740gph) is that I wanted slower movement through the tank (it was blasting the main tank) because I believe it sped up evaporation, and because I couldn't justify the extra 35 Watts of power to myself. Also, I needed the bigger pump to overcome my SCWD head-loss, but have switched to an Oceans Motions Squirt, which doesn't significantly reduce flow.

Mag pumps are not really designed for CA reactors and can burn out pretty quick as they were not designed for high pressure going through the CA reactor.
Thanks to everyone that commented on this thread way back in 2006.

My old Iwaki return was just too loud, so I bought an eheim in-sump. I can't hear it at all! It is so quiet that when I first turned it on I had to double check water was coming out of the return pipe. :) Now I don't need soundproofing under the tank.

The Eheim is great.

Cmon I wouldn't know what to do with out the rumbling sound of my wonderful Mag return pump. As a bonus you barely need to run a heater too.
In the freshwater planted community, it is know that if you want a silent tank, you get an Eheim canister. I guess it continues with all their water movement devices
My experience started with planted tanks :D Most of my customers at the time would opt for Fluval but I sold a decent amount of Eheim...the ones that listened to me and not their wallet that is as at the time Eheim was far pricer then Fluval and much harder to find parts for!