Special request from Jonathan for his bleached porcelain crab.. I have the original size file as well if you need bigger..
Same Porcelain crab with Jon holding his crab condo
pumps that suck water in from the bay for use..
more pumps that circulate water to other buildings
mangroves and rain simulator..
Jon's Rock overrun with gsp
Sorry about the condensation on my lens.. Lotsa humidity in the room and large temp changes between rooms...
Heading for the tank rooms
1200g reservoir...
San Francisco Tyee Clubs holding pens for salmon:
Concrete anchors from the war to hold the nets in place under the golden gate bridge..
Now used to hold the tyee clubs salmon pens...
A pic of Tylers pic of a 12' colony of
SFSU's collection point
pics of the two areas that were being studied..
Temp graph of temp fluctuations..
High Ceilings...
Future home of Phong's old tank..