you tank looks great for a low pH, but whats the damage that it's doing to your tank ? slow growth? I'm trying to find out what I might be facing since my pH gets stuck at 7.9 and never got above that mark even I tried to pull air tube from outside.
Sure. But I auto-dose also, and have auto salt water exchange, and still managed to mess it it, but i'm currently on daily auto dosing H. Balling method by using aquaforest 123, would that help to manage alk/ca getting out of range?
That is funny. Look at all that duct tape. Are you going to go with a rigid galvanized ducting this time around? What size is that? You could do it out of pvc too possibly.
No, just 2 part doser.Nice, that’s the way to do it. Hadn’t you been using a CaRx?
Doses about 15 mL every 10 often do you dose kalk? whats your doser schedule ?