
Salty_Taste650: Innovative Marine 50Gal Lagoon

How do you identify male vs. female?
Public Service Announcement: By NO MEANS, am I claiming to be an expert on this fish.

Following a Humblefish forum on how to identify sex between Male / Female Copperbands
(The following is taken from the forum and NOT my expertise)

To sex from pictures, and direct profile, at the camera level is needed since the slope appearance can change according to the angle of the camera to the CBB.

Look at the transition area from skull to the dorsal area. In female, it is a smooth transition while in male there is an increase in slope there.

With smaller specimen it is easier to go by the snout angle. Though the first has a clear step where the skull ends and the forehead/back begins. It also has already the steeper forehead slope and the straight to upward tilted snout, all indicators of males.

On the second fish the transition between skull and forehead/back is barely noticeable, the forehead is more sloped, and the snout has a downward tilt. All of that indicates female.

For my pair of CBB the head/fore head profile clearly different between the sexes. Also there are coloration differences also. Most stringing is the yellow/white part of the pelvic fins. The male “white stripe” of the pelvic fines are mostly white while the the “white stripe” of the female pelvic fins are mostly yellow.


I speak on behalf of everyone:
We would like to inform you we are not sick of the updates but are a bit jealous.
Awesome additions! If I had the means I would! This is a dream pair equivalent to our fragswap coordinator's mandarin pair too. Hope they keep doing super well.
I speak on behalf of everyone:
We would like to inform you we are not sick of the updates but are a bit jealous.
Awesome additions! If I had the means I would! This is a dream pair equivalent to our fragswap coordinator's mandarin pair too. Hope they keep doing super well.
Thank you for the kind words! The intention was documentation since I searched EVERYWHERE and there was literally only 1 forum I could find that talked about the idea of having 2 in a tank. Even then, many of those who claimed they kept pairs were always like 200+ gal tanks.. Mine is a 50gal

Love Mandarin Dragonets... Big mistake to rehome mine looking back at it because I'm pretty sure I woulda found a way to make sure they stayed happy. But oh well.. Last additions to the tank will be a pair of ruby red dragonets :)
Day 1: Copperband Pair Together

Everyone is probably sick of the Copperband Updates so I’ll probably take a break after today… However, this is how they look currently :)

Day 1: Copperband Pair Together

Everyone is probably sick of the Copperband Updates so I’ll probably take a break after today… However, this is how they look currently :)

Ugh i'm following along, i've heard they are extremely hard to keep alive long term and get them eating when you first get them, seeing a few members here with them gives them instant extra credit in my eyes.

You on the other hand actually trying to pair two of them is some jedi master type of stuff. So I say keep the Updates coming:)
Ugh i'm following along, i've heard they are extremely hard to keep alive long term and get them eating when you first get them, seeing a few members here with them gives them instant extra credit in my eyes.

You on the other hand actually trying to pair two of them is some jedi master type of stuff. So I say keep the Updates coming:)
The people have spoken! I plan to create some type of YouTube content really go more in depth with my experience in attempting to make this happen.

Literally the only time they even flared at each other all day and I just happen to have the camera recording

They say Happy Wife Happy Life… Clearly she is the boss

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Copperband Butterfly Fighting?! Last 2 days, I’ve noticed the Female nip at the Male here and there.. finally got some footage of the Arguments…

I’ve been feeding a bit more Heavier to help out and fish have responded well but I wanted to share that it isn’t all sunshine just yet..

* Update * Keeping a very close eye on them. Fighting was to be expected but if it does worsen, little one gets put into jail time for a week. So far has not been an issue in regards to eating as they are both pretty aggressive. I'm sure if they had a larger tank, there would be much less fighting as a 50 gal is clearly too small.
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