Reef nutrition

Separate Refugium

I had it running with a slow drain, my idea was to have the algae feed off of the junk that went down the drain then gravity drain into the sump.
You need to make sure the algae will not block the drain, a large bulkhead would be ideal or two 1”.
I have to find pictures, they were on a build thread I posted long ago under photobucket link but now they don’t show.
I think my fuge was 15/20G tall plexi tank, black back.
I had an all black fuge but I gave it to one of the members long ago.
Of course you did!
Yeah Bruce, just use the t from your return and put a 2" bulkhead or 2x 1"bulkheads in the fife at a higher level than your sump. That will work
Frag Tank Fuge2.jpg

Frag Tank Fuge.jpg
I’ve used the drawer from the store refrigerator as a tank
You could easily build a tank from the scrap section of tap plastic
But as a caveat: I would not fill anything more than half way if the “bin” was not inteded to be filled with water
Maybe I'm better off just using a black plastic bin of some kind then? That way if I remove the refugium section from the main sump at a later date I'd have less spillover causeing algae buildup in the sump.