got ethical husbandry?

Should I get a new tank even if I really can't afford it?

Unfortunately, you don't have time to step back...but my advice WOULD HAVE BEEN to step back and make the decision on another day. You feel pressure to get in on a good deal..but it's not a good deal if you will regret it later and then have to sell it to someone else for $150. On the other hand, please buy it then sell it to me for $150. :)

Honestly, I'd pass on it. Save your money and get something you really want. In a year, you'll either look back and say "darn it! I hate that center brace! It sucks!" OR you'll say "Man, I love my custom tank" in either way you will not even remember the money that you saved or spent.

Remember, the joy of the bargain is short lived.

Mike you already have a 180!!! Hahahaha and this 180 won't fit into your car without sticking way out the back hahaha... Unlike my cool 180 that didn't stick out at all.. :)
Write in to Suzie Orman show and ask her if you can afford it. She will approve or deny you based on your income, debt and current savings. I would not buy it unless it doesn't take more than 5% of your savings. Since the tank is so cheap......and I don't know how much savings you have...hopefully its not a big deal. The no place store it is a bad thing.

Maybe you can offer to clean some of the club tanks or sell some coral frags for some extra cash.....I know you can't even give your frags away. I still would like that bird nest frag : )

FYI - I do have that new older model Dell printer if you want it. (its still in the box) Just let me know.
If you can afford the maintenance cost on it then go for it, but if think it will be tight then don't get it.

I've learned that deals come and go, and more often than not there always be a better deal down the road IF you're willing to wait.
[quote author=Raddogz link=topic=6608.msg85244#msg85244 date=1235784262]
If you can afford the maintenance cost on it then go for it, but if think it will be tight then don't get it.

I've learned that deals come and go, and more often than not there always be a better deal down the road IF you're willing to wait.

See, the problem with the economy was that we DIDN'T think that way in the past, and now we ARE thinking this way now!
In other words, we spent ourselves into trouble, and now that the solution out of the recession is to spend our way out, we are afraid to! But I digress...

I agree, don't get it if you can't afford it. Shoot, even if it was free you don't have a place to put it and if you set it up, it'll cost you more than your current tank (more salt mix, more lights, bigger skimmer, more electricity).
If money is tight enough that you have to consider this purchase carefully, then don't go for it. Pretend the deal never existed.

OK now my head is getting screwed on properly, thanks guys!

I think I will pass on it, as much as I like the idea of it, the more I think about it the more I'm inclined to get what I want. Plus it is an amazing opportunity that I have right now having Gen walk me through building a tank, I just might go that route while things are slow for him and their is shop space available.

I deal enough with tanks and don't want the hassle of something sitting around collecting dust.

On a positive note I did pick up a old (and I mean old) huge Euro Reef skimmer for $50. I think I'm gonna turn it into a gravity fed recirc, that should work great on my 150 :D
[quote author=tuberider link=topic=6608.msg85257#msg85257 date=1235788305]

I deal enough with tanks and don't want the hassle of something sitting around collecting dust.

On a positive note I did pick up a old (and I mean old) huge Euro Reef skimmer for $50. I think I'm gonna turn it into a gravity fed recirc, that should work great on my 150 :D

hey have you considered buying it and reselling it along w used equipt plus frags to come up with the funds to get your dream tank? you knock out several birds with one stone. how much could you resell the tank for?

I'm clearing out frags right now bcuz I'm out of space and also to get new lighting
I bought my tank and stand even thought it wasn't totally what I wanted. I ended up being glad that I did, because it would have taken me forever to do it precisely the way I wanted. This got me up and running fairly quickly. It also saved me a lot of money over starting from scratch.

That said, it's not like this is your first tank or like you don't have one already. (as was the case for me) Because of that, I can totally understand deciding to wait and get what you really truly want.
Hey Jeremy if you just need more room because your other tanks are busting at the seams with frags why don't you just "borrow" a tank.... I have a spare 100w sitting in front of the house that I won't be setting up in the next year hahahaha.. It's only 12 inches shorter and 4 inches shallower than yuur 150 dream tank.... :) 48x24x20
I was just thinking the same. I have a 100g glass tank sitting in my garage you can use for free as long as you want until you can setup your dream tank. The tank does not have built in overflows but if you want you could drill the back wall and do whatever you want with it. Even if it takes you years to setup your dream take you can use it as long as you need it.
The 100g is completely cleaned up, no dead coraline or anything en in very good shape (it is an Oceanic).
Well, I didn't get the tank, there are just too many reasons not to get the tank, I'll be posting some for sale items and using that money to purchase the equipment that I'll hang on the new tank, which will be the final purchase instead of the first. I think that is a much more prudent order in which to do things, thanks everyone for your help in my decision making.

On a super positive note instead of spending money and lugging a tank around today, I went and rode some real nice tubes today and had a perfect peak all to myself ;D
[quote author=tuberider link=topic=6608.msg85204#msg85204 date=1235776591]
I think I'll be ok with the g/f, it keeps me at home and away from the saloon where I can get into trouble.

I do have some equipment I could sell, mostly lighting stuff.

Go for it, Jeremy. ...and get your g/f a cubic zirconia diamond. She'll be so thrill she probably won't notice that MP40 you'll get with the tank also.
[quote author=robert4025 link=topic=6608.msg85464#msg85464 date=1235877144]
[quote author=tuberider link=topic=6608.msg85204#msg85204 date=1235776591]
I think I'll be ok with the g/f, it keeps me at home and away from the saloon where I can get into trouble.

I do have some equipment I could sell, mostly lighting stuff.

Go for it, Jeremy. ...and get your g/f a cubic zirconia diamond. She'll be so thrill she probably won't notice that MP40 you'll get with the tank also.

You have no idea the rocks that my girl has, my dad is a jeweler, shoot I have a CZ that is as big as my pinkie finger is wide. It's my bling for when I'm under stage lighting :D