Reef nutrition

Simple 40

I sometimes wonder if certain torches or more or less compatible than others. Seems like different types of anemones shouldn’t be kept together, maybe there’s an issue like that
Anecdotal but I have heard for magnificas (and @derek_SR can correct me) and haddoni, a lot of people will do an antibiotic dip before introducing into their system. I'd love to see actual data for dip vs. success, and if positive, use oxolinic acid as the first line of defense. @thephoreefer you used to chemiclean dip your euphyllia before adding to your systems right?
I sometimes wonder if certain torches or more or less compatible than others. Seems like different types of anemones shouldn’t be kept together, maybe there’s an issue like that
I thought about this as well and from what I read you can categorize most torches (Indo, Malaysia, Aussie).

General guidelines that I have read.
Indo maybe be compatible with Malaysian.
Indo and Malaysian most likely is not compatible with Aussie.

The issue may be identifying them. Probably not the best description, but my thoughts that Aussie has shorter/stubbier tentacles while Indo/Malaysian are very similar and difficult to them apart.
Added a new Aquascape - removed some rock - and moved substrate to the sump.
PH Drop: slowly recovering.
N04 and P03: Not much change which was surprising.
Alkalinity: Consumption dropped by half.

PH Chart for the week of adding a new aquascape.
I kept two rocks from my original aquascape to help with coraline algae propagation on the new rocks. About a month later, happy to see signs of coraline growth.

Tank is starting to normalize after removing rocks/substate and adding new aquascape. A few observations.
  • PH peak dropped from 8.3 to 8.1, but has slowly increased back up to the 8.2 range.
  • Cyano outbreak for approximately 3-5days, followed by diatoms and now a dusting of green algae.
  • Refugium growth accelerated.
  • LPS not so happy the first couple of weeks but doing good now.
