When I did my first plumbing for our 90 gal system, I used threaded joints because I found gluing PVC intimidating. I'm planning to use slip fittings and glue everything for our new, humbler system. I'll let you know how it goes.
I am still using black nylon tubing for most of the runs for drains/returns vs. hard plumbing everything. However, all the hose barbs for that and smaller fittings are slip and will be glued.
Note that the inside diameter of a barb fitting is a lot smaller than the equivalent pipe.
Keep that in mind when calculating flow and head.
I'm using hose barbs are both sides for drains and for returns, so it should balance itself out. Our main drain is a 1" line running full-siphon, so I doubt I could ever push enough flow to max that out without blowing out the display since it's a 40breeder. I did use a 1" return line, teed to 2x 3/4" returns to try and mitigate head loss and restriction on the return side, since how much water the return can push is going to be our limiting factor.
Nah, you've got a red dragon right?