got ethical husbandry?

So AEFW... what are the symptoms.

After an exhaustive afternoon of pulling out a large rock and examining the hell out of it, I've come to the conclusion I have no idea if I have AEFWs. I looked around a multitude of acropora species (the only ones which seem to be having issues in my tank) I didn't see ANY "bite marks" didn't see any brown clusters of dots (eggs), I did this with the use of a magnifying glass because I'm starting to question my eyesight each day I get older :)

Still something is royally pissing off my acropora, one particular yellow tort I had which showed signs of damage a couple days ago, was almost completely schloffed away, rtn, stn, some other TN.

Then I noticed a little something... a few (very few actually) orange dots on some a green acropora (micropthalma I believe). So I'm thinking.. oh great now I have red bugs too? then I thought maybe it's redbugs causing this. These little orange dots were small, I couldn't see them with my naked eye, they were not part of the coral however as they were able to be washed off. Now they weren't moving or anything, of course the coral had been out of the tank for an hour or so and was dry(ish), and I don't know how these buggers really work. I could not find any sort of pictures showing the damage though, whether or not they stay on the skeleton or simply migrate to new flesh.. only. Now the problem is every damn picture I see on the internet is extremely macro/blown up... my eyes aren't that good even with a magnifying glass to see all the details that are shown.

So here's the question, should I just auto-treat the tank and assume this is to be the problem, or should I wait for more evidence, i.e. wait to see an honest to god outbreak (although on one particular brown acropora I did see quite a few spots, again unsure if they're the bugs). Would it cause tissue to recess? I do have a single interceptor tablet, and can do two whole tank treatments with it, question is whether or not I should.
I guess i should post an outcome. I did pull the colony out. inspected it from head to toe so to speak. and didn't see any signs of AEFW. no eggs no FW in the bucket i rinsed it off in nothing. but since i had it out i did a dip and placed it back in my tank. Whatever i did though did the trick as i don't see anymore white marks.

Oh well.

Well I'm still getting some issues, my latest was my puddling millipora that had blue highlights. Thing is it had both base and tip damage, it was "schloffing" I did a good dip and stuck it into the frag growout tank.. but I dunno what the issue is with this. I almost want to peg it at water quality issues, but then why the hell are only acroporas being affected?
It could be salinity issues too. I've had this happen when I neglected keeping an eye on the top-off container = 1.030 for a couple of weeks.
I installed an auto top off a few months ago and my salinity has been spot on 1.025. but my nitrates of have been up to 15ppm at the most. I think that may have been a part of it.
Wayland, as far as I can tell... no

I've recently lost another acro, one Eileen gave me.. one day it was a faded blue, I moved it a little lower in the tank and then the next time I noticed it a day or two later... completely white

However not every acro is showing symptoms *knocks on wood*.. so I don't know.
Did you go back and double-check all your water parameters? I think sps is the 1st to go when it's way off.
Did I double check them all? Nope. When I find those old test kits I shall. Nitrates might be high after all the crap I sucked out of my sump. However it struck me weird that only certain corals got afflicted, Of my largest, 2 of them showed signs until I snapped them off and removed/inspected/dipped, now they're doing fine. I almost think it might be some flow issue, who knows maybe those crappy SEIO powerheads are not really moving around the water as much as I'd like, I do see the dead spots where all the poo (and then algae) collects.