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So what are people using for a RO/DI system?

Well I always say is if you have something that is working (over a long period of time) even though it "shouldn't" then keep doing it! :D

Having 0 TDS might be a bit of a false sense of security though, since TDS only measures the conductivity of the water due to dissolved ions. Things like sugars, organics (pesticides), and other things won't be detected at all. But again if what you have has been working (more than a month) then no sense in rocking the proverbial boat.

p.s. I'm not super smart about water chemistry, I borrow all my information from people who are
http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-04/rhf/feature/ <-- article on TDS
Great article! Thanks.

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Di resin isn't cheap and is hard to store once the package is open. You will use WAY less if you use the membranes which will last several years in your case and cost maybe $100 for 2 will the housings. That being said, you do need good water pressure to make it work, or another $100 for a booster pump. Not sure how's long your di resin lasts, and as for the contact time issue maybe 2 canisters of di in a row would help.
We do have two canisters going so that should help with contact time plus the 5 micron sediment filter with the carbon blocks slows the tempo a bit.

The di resin lasts awhile-I think we are nine months in since we had to purchase a new bag so if we get by on one bag a year -it’s 60 bucks..hard to know if the payoff is truly there. Be interesting to send to a lab rodi sample vs ours to actually see if there is a material difference.

It seems to work for time being.

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