
"Spain will win" says psychic octopus

The octopus is so turning into some ones meal if this doesn't go right :lol:

Wait, he'd know it's coming :O
...well the octo picked Germany first then moved to Uruguay just to move back to Germany.
So the little sucker knew? Germany to score first then Uruguay to turn the game over and finally Germans beat Uruguay 3 - 2
Octopus is a genius !!!
Bring it over to the US, specially in November !!!
I dunno, the fine thespian (TheSpain?) talents of the players pretending to step on a land-mine and flailing about was well deserved of Oscars.
yeah, the 2 big downfalls of soccer in my eyes are
1) The constant falling and wailing while holding one's ankle which makes the players look like wimps.
2) The emphasis on refereeing is too prominent- in sporting it's best to have focus on the players and the game, not the officials of the game. It wasn't a good game to watch, I'm sure other games aren't as ugly but unfortunately this was the final game.
Congrats Spain! They were the better team and deserved to win.
CookieJar said:
yeah, the 2 big downfalls of soccer in my eyes are
1) The constant falling and wailing while holding one's ankle which makes the players look like wimps.
2) The emphasis on refereeing is too prominent- in sporting it's best to have focus on the players and the game, not the officials of the game. It wasn't a good game to watch, I'm sure other games aren't as ugly but unfortunately this was the final game.
Congrats Spain! They were the better team and deserved to win.

The diving is so weak, Duncan Keith lost seven teeth during the Stanley Cup finals and was back out on the ice the minute they got some pain killers in him, it's time to see diving get carded too.
If a soccer player ever got teeth knocked out in a game he'd probably be in so much pain an anguish that he'd have to retire from the sport....