In conjunction with Lance Ichinotsubo's talk on February 9th, Lance and Mikki Ichinotsubo were kind enough to arrange a special club price of $22 for his book The Marine Fish Health & Feeding Handbook that he co-authored with Bob Goemans. This is a must own book and great addition for any hobbyist's library. TMFH&FH covers choosing a healthy fish specimen, proper fish acclimation, diagnosis/treatment of marine fish diseases, feeding, etc.
The club will purchase 2 books for the raffle, which leaves 18 books available for pre-order. Payment can be made via Paypal below.
Forum name/handle:
Lance will be happy to sign the books at the meeting.
1. BAR Raffle
2. BAR Raffle
3. denzil (paid)
4. aqua-nut (paid)
5. Eldiablosrt8 (paid)
6. Reef Love
7. Piper (paid)
8. Rygh (paid)
9. BAYMAC (paid)
10. BAYMAC (paid)
11. JAR (paid)
12. Apon (paid)
13. Saltwatersig (paid)
14. lattehiatus (will pay at meeting)
15. Xulio (paid)
16. Thales (paid)
17. Jwicked (paid)