
Strombus snails

Thanks again Vlad, these snails are great for a small tank. They remind me of smaller version of the nassarius snail with the long proboscis and shell shape. I hope they reproduce in my tank. I saw one of my stomatella's releasing eggs or gametes or whatever and my sixline saw this and bit him in the face. Man that wrasse is a such a jerk.
r0ck0 said:
I saw one of my stomatella's releasing eggs or gametes or whatever and my sixline saw this and bit him in the face. Man that wrasse is a such a jerk.

That made me laugh, trying to imagine the wrasse interrupting the Stomatella love fest. What a buzzkill.

Anyone have these snails available?
I would be interested in a few of these as well. I'd be happy to put some stomatellas into the pot on the off chance that there's anyone who doesn't already have them.
Thanks for bringing the strombus snails and tracking me down. Hopefully they will have replicated enough by next swap that I can contribute some back.
Thanks for finding me and for the snails. One of the few times I think I'll ever hear "Hey, I have some snails to give you". I suppose it's better than "Hey, I have some crabs to give you".

Hope they do well.
Doh, I won't be bringing any strombus snails. Sorry.

I thought I was replying on the Stomatella thread. Sorry. I have 1-2 strombus which I got at the swap but they haven't reproduced yet (and I lowered by odds by accidentally dipping one in povidone with a rock. After a 15 minute dip he was dead, quite dead.).

Need any stomatella?
Mike I would like some stomatella for the new tank if you could spare some :). I'll be at the meeting.

I also have some Purple/burgendy banded Trochus Snails. That I could bring for you mike or anyone else that wants some.
Mine always spawn, but then again my temp swings sometimes. This site says temp swings cause spawning.