
Sump/Fuge Question

I'm so excited, I scored a Trigger Ruby 36 for $215 shipped and Coral Reefer is helping me install it. My current sump has a fuge with sand and rubble, and it's been in there since I set the tank up over a year ago.

Replace the sand with miracle mud, or move the sand into the new sump? Also, I've never seeded the fuge with pods...should I do that with the new one?

Thanks in advance
Thanks Bruce. I have some ordered for my school tank as well. I presume just put the Marine Pure and the rubble in the fuge. Do i need to seed it with pods
Thanks Bruce. I have some ordered for my school tank as well. I presume just put the Marine Pure and the rubble in the fuge. Do i need to seed it with pods
It’s not a requirement. Pods will naturally populate but if you want to jump start it then it’s not a bad idea.
and possibly aiptasia... always QT your stuff! You don't need to do a massive 6week qt or something, but stick it in a tank with a light over it and see if you catch any aiptasia opening up.
I read some where that Marine Pure may leach something into water? There is another brand (dont remember its mame) that might be better).

I am thinking what to do too.
I read some where that Marine Pure may leach something into water? There is another brand (dont remember its mame) that might be better).

I am thinking what to do too.

It has been proven that aluminum does leach from Marine Pure. BRS did a test proving so.

The real question is how much aluminum is actually toxic to the livestock we maintain in our reef tanks. That answer has never been truly answered as far as I know. However, check out this thread that has input from Randy Holmes-Farley.

He indicated that he saw issues with leathers and shrooms at concentrations of aluminum at 500+ ug/l. He also indicated that SPS was less susceptible to aluminum than leathers or shrooms.