
Tank Crash- heater malfunction

Thought I would share here.
Well it happened. I was in the process of moving. moved the tank over to the new house without a hitch. everything setup in the 11th hour. Everything looked good the next morning. I had to go out for a while to tighten up the other house and while I was gone. the heater probe popped out of the tank sending the heater into overdrive. When I returned the tank was up to 97 degrees and everything was gone. fish, corals, and a couple prized friends that have been with me. One being the Ruby Starfish that I've had for 5 years now. The one thing I regret is that the apex wasn't setup yet and I didn't get the notification. Now that I have taken a week or so to think it over. I decide to keep it going, now to figure out the process I want to take in starting over.
Man, sorry to hear =( Not sure how I'd know if something like this happened too since I don't have automated monitoring.

I got some purple zoas and ricordea if you're interested.
Man, sorry to hear =( Not sure how I'd know if something like this happened too since I don't have automated monitoring.

I got some purple zoas and ricordea if you're interested.
An inkbird is a $30 thermostat controller. Mine cuts heater power at 78 and turns on a fan at 79. It beeps for less than 77 and greater than 80.
Thought I would share here.
Well it happened. I was in the process of moving. moved the tank over to the new house without a hitch. everything setup in the 11th hour. Everything looked good the next morning. I had to go out for a while to tighten up the other house and while I was gone. the heater probe popped out of the tank sending the heater into overdrive. When I returned the tank was up to 97 degrees and everything was gone. fish, corals, and a couple prized friends that have been with me. One being the Ruby Starfish that I've had for 5 years now. The one thing I regret is that the apex wasn't setup yet and I didn't get the notification. Now that I have taken a week or so to think it over. I decide to keep it going, now to figure out the process I want to take in starting over.
I'm so sorry to read this... This just happened to me a few weeks ago.
Sorry this happened man. I'm a bit away in Castro Valley but can give you quite a bit of frags if you can make the drive over once you get the tank going again. Definitely look into a more secure probe holder that you could either replace the suction cup with or use along with the suction cup. Something 3d printed to hang on the side of the tank or sump that will extend down a good depth into the water with a hole for the probe and then even gluing the wire or zip tying it to the extension on the way down is just what I could come up with off the top of my head.