Cali Kid Corals

Thank you Gresham,BAR members, and everyone else that helped put BAYMAC together

Great event, thanks to all setting it up. For us, it was a real social event - meeting someone new (to us anyway) and bringing their coral down, donating some of our own, window shopping, volunteering behind the raffle table, getting some stuff for the tank, and bullshitting with a bunch of old and new friends.

It was actually pretty damn interesting to watch the thought process of those putting their tickets into the boxes. Some broadcast around evenly, some carpet bombed the vortech box, some wanted to know which LED's they should be going for!

Alden is 2 now and now a veteran of 2 BAYMAC's! THX Gresh for making some room for the stroller behind the raffle table.
I agree with Sergio's comments-- great event! My first marine aquarium conference was very rewarding. We got a chance to learn from vendors, talk with other reef enthusiasts, hear Joe Yaiullo speak about creating a 20,000 gallon reef, and volunteer at the door (and win the Neptune raffle prize--hooray!!!). Looking forward to next year's event. Kudos to the organizers.
BAYMAC'10 rocked. I can only hope it gets better next year. Lets just say that I've already started thinking of making it be "the BAR event" to fly back out here to. Ya, it was that good.
The RODI came from Aquatic Collection, and they graciously mixed it as well. Joe and Karson were a HUGe help.

The salt mix was donated from ESV themselves.

The Aquarium Showroom graciously offered to help move the water and let us use containers.

Several cool BAR members helped move the water, supplied containers and vehicles to get the water over.

All in all the water was a group effort, but the vendors got the best salt mix they can get :)

If you haven't tried the new ESV Ionic salt system, once you do, you'll never go back to anything else.
I wasn't able to attend but wanted to thank everyone who helped making this event possible, and abig thanks to Gresh for making BAYMAC a reality. I hope to be able to help make BAYMAC 11' even better.
NO, it's a 4 part system with 2 parts being liquid.
All dry blends may not be homogenous resulting in
considerable chemical variations not only from batch to batch but also from within the same container.
Aggravating this further, humidity contamination during storage can result in localized precipitation reactions.
B-Ionic® Seawater System avoids these problems by providing the two dominant salts in our formulation in separate
containers. All other major, minor, and trace elements are pre-dissolved in a highly concentrated two component
liquid system. These dry and liquid components can easily be measured for any size batch of synthetic seawater.
It is now recognized that most reagent grade salts can contain contaminants (trace metals, etc.) at levels which
may inhibit the growth of some algae species from low nutrient environments (oligotrophic) such as coral reefs.
B-Ionic® Seawater System addresses this issue by providing ultra-low heavy metal Sodium Chloride (max. allowable
less than half max. allowable for reagent grade sodium chloride) and USP grade Magnesium Sulfate as the dry
components of the system. In addition, all other chemicals pre-dissolved in our liquid components are subject to our
three phase purification process resulting in significant lowering of contaminants, including phosphate.
Many all dry blends take excessive time to completely dissolve. Addition of newly mixed batches to the aquarium
can cause irritation to inhabitants upon exposure to non-dissolved salt micro-particles.
B-Ionic® Seawater System avoids this problem by providing all of the slower dissolving ingredients in a pre-dissolved
solution form. Batches can be used within 10 minutes of preparation with no adverse effects providing initial RO and/or
DI water contains sufficient dissolved oxygen.

B-IONIC SEAWATER PARAMETERS (@ 34 ppt salinity):
450 ppm Calcium • 3.25 meq/L Alkalinity • 1400 ppm Magnesium

That explains it better then I can :)

Thanks to you, BAR, and the sponsors and vendors that made this BAYMAC that much better than last years' (which was still awesome). NCRC as a whole thanks everyone for allowing us to be a part of the event.

You can could on next year being a bigger and even better event if you ballsy enough to take on the workload again. We're all here to help and hopefully ease your burden.

- Dan and NCRC
Ah ok.. I remember hearing about 3 different salts in relatively a short amount of time Salinity (pretty standard), The salt where you only get non-salt components :D, and this...

Now that I think of it, I believe this is the one Jake (or someone else?) has said doing massive water changes (100%?) without much of a shock issue.

edit: dur guess I could have just read the link
I'm a glutton for pain so I am just waiting to hear back about our performance from the College to see if we can get it again for next year. We 100% plan on doing it again next year :)
:lol: And I just got my vision back to singular and no longer that of doubled :lol:
meaning I got some rest and can see straight again. I hate getting up early
GreshamH said:
I'm a glutton for pain so I am just waiting to hear back about our performance from the College to see if we can get it again for next year. We 100% plan on doing it again next year :)
So far I haven't gotten any negative comments. Security didn't say anything. The only comment from them during the event was about all the vehicles parked outside the cafe. If someone was stationed there to talk to the vendors as they pull up to unload,I that could be minimzed. I'll talk to the custodial supe tomorrow and get feedback.
I really don't forsee any problems.
That one guy was pretty upset over the SW in his plants, but, hey, you know he's hard to please :bigsmile: