Cali Kid Corals

"The City" LFS Tour & BBQ/Potluck (Sunday May 31st)

Derek, Liveaquaria is cool, but a little price. Anyways, due to Fedex's screw up, Liveaquaria holding some store credits for my next buy. However, I don't know what to buy from them. Hahahaha Hopefully after my I start and finish upgrading my new tank, I can use that credit to buy some SPS. My credits are only 2-3bucks because my crabs died from deliver guys juggle my corals infront of my face. Real Nice... Hahaha what a JERk that guy was.

It was great to meet you man. Do you guys share that parking lot or just for the 31st of May?
Yeah, sorry Erick got lost. Tong did too but I had his number to call him. I guess next time we should list a contact number or the store phone numbers too.