High Tide Aquatics

Well school is suspending in person classes

CO essentially irreversibly binds to hemoglobin, poisoning it and making it so your blood can’t carry oxygen. Very serious threat to health at very low levels.

CO2 is a normal product of respiration constantly made by all the cells in our body, always in our blood, also binds to hemoglobin but in a rapidly reversible normal physiologic way, only dangerous at high levels.

CO is approximately 1000 times more toxic than CO2, ppm vs ppt levels. So really no comparison as to which is more dangerous. Like comparing COVID-19 vs acne.
But co2 can and will cause headaches at levels it’s easy to find indoors

Yup; I believe places that supply soft drinks from dispensing machines/ fountains, have beginning to install CO2 alarms, mainly to protect their workers from the exposure to such gas.

For those people that refill their CO2 tanks for their Calcium Reactors or planted tanks and drive home with them, always make sure to drive with a window partially open and the tank in upright position.
And make sure you don’t exhale too much. :)

co2 really isn’t that bad. I’d suspect something else before co2. Carbon monoxide, definitely serious though.
All I know is I'm still getting headaches, but being as my wife and kid seem to be fine, I'd guess it was stress related. Although I do go downstairs to the "basement" (fish room) WAY more often than them, which is with the furnace and water heater are, so who knows.
All I know is I'm still getting headaches, but being as my wife and kid seem to be fine, I'd guess it was stress related. Although I do go downstairs to the "basement" (fish room) WAY more often than them, which is with the furnace and water heater are, so who knows.
And co2 sinks
Sinks not stinks. Heavier than normal air so it might accumulate in your basement. CO2 certainly causes headaches, along with confusion, weakness, nausea and other symptoms. If you think it could be that I’d take it seriously.
Oh... hahaha... sinks... I'm going to place that one on early morning reading of the site, and less on headache/confusion (which is a sign of pneumonia related symptoms :D).

And honestly I don't know what it could be, the is an old SF home, not a new home that's super air tight, basically it leaks like a sieve, so I'm really less worried about gas build up of any kind, but whenever Mike has some time I'll give his CO2 detector a whirl to confirm or not. I've not completely ruled out CO2, but I have spent most of my time at my desk over the past couple weeks, so I'm still leaning more to stress/strain related headaches.
Drinking enough water?
A change of activity like this can make you forget to drink regularly, and mild dehydration causes those symptoms.