Bruce Spiegelman
I've always run my MP40's at around 40%. My Gyres as well. That's very, very normal.
Well to be fair, LFS do not have the range of merchandise as online retailers do. So they are going to more often than not recommend something they have and can give you right on the spot. And Ecotech is one of those products that have MAP pricing, which basically means there's a minimum price that can be offered so they cost the same whether it through the store or online. Now there is nothing wrong with an MP40, those are really good pumps they just also happen to be at the high end of the cost spectrum for "powerheads". Also the recommendation may have been based on the fact that they know the pumps are adjustable so you can change the output to what you actually's frustrating because they have refused to sell me certain fish in the past based on my current stocking, so I really trusted them
thanks all for the advice and keep it coming!!
it's frustrating because they have refused to sell me certain fish in the past based on my current stocking, so I really trusted them
thanks all for the advice and keep it coming!!
Sounds to me like their advice was solid. And by the way, for DC pumps like those I always plan to buy a littler larger and run them less than full speed, they are much quieter and somewhat more efficient, with less wear/tear.i have a 75g and the LFS convinced me i needed twin MP-40's. Bought one and it disturbs my sand. Tried moving it around and it's just too powerful. I have to turn it to about 40%.
That’s funny.To add if you are a lazy reefer like Richard Rossas we all know the flow drops as the pumps get dirty if you are at 40% think of all the time you can save by just ramping up the pumps % as they get dirty and not have to clean them so often....
Exactly. I have a 36x36 cube and two mp40 on the back wall, each side of the center overflow. Because of the tank and rock setup, if I run the pumps more than 30-40 percent, my euphyllia get irritated and shrink because there is too much flow.Having too big a pump is way better than having too small. DC pumps like the MP-40s can be turned way down.
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