Great report, Richard!
I too am excited as I watch my reef adapt to the new lighting. Surprisingly, many of my acros and branching corals were shocked by the LED light spectrum and many bleached out and died off. I found this odd as the overall light level seems much lower than having two, 250w Mh's and 6 T5's running. Robert at Neptune warned me to "throw out" any preconceived ideas about lighting and be very slow and cautious about acclimating coral to the top levels of the reef. I currently am running 4, white 48" RB strips and 3, blue 48" strips. I"m seeing an adjustment taking place and am REALLY happy with how my LPS and montis are looking. My sunset monti is spreading like butter on hot bread. Even some more unusual colonies like the Super Nova and Blue Steel Porites are looking better than ever. The colony of pipe organ coral that you gave me is the size of a grapefruit now. Need any back? lol. I'm liking everything about my conversion to LED's. I should have anticipated the initial stress it would place on my tank to make such a sudden change over. I'm a little eager to see if I can truly keep acros like pearlberry, german blue poly, tri color, bonsai and others as well as the host of millis that I now am missing. One frag at at time, starting them out on the substrate and slowly moving them up as they show continued health. If successful, I'll be begging back some (a lot) SPS DBTC coral that has been lost in the transition. Two that I really miss are Jeremy's sunset and ultra cherry bomb millis as well as the famous barbecue milli. Bumma
Thanks for checking in with the progress information. Also, nice to hear the job is keeping you hopping. They are darn lucky to have a creative and hard working person like you on their payroll!
Thanks for checking in with the progress information. Also, nice to hear the job is keeping you hopping. They are darn lucky to have a creative and hard working person like you on their payroll!