There are nine hens and one rooster. They are four months old, eggs in a month or so. The crowing could start anytime. We brought in thirty straight run pullets, but there were five roosters in the lot. We selected down to the most docile and inquisitive hens. Funny how they each have different personalities even within the different breeds. We also kept hens for egg color. We should get brown, and some blue/greens too.
Roosters are not allowed in Berkeley so our neighbor upstairs decided to keep the rooster inside her apartment each night, otherwise he would be in the soup pot too!
John, if you decide to brood raise chicks, I have feeders and the heat lamp if you want to borrow. They get used for eight weeks and then are outgrown. The kids in the neighborhood loved watching them grow and fly. You have enough space to provide eggs for all of Muir Beach.