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Yes and so is the sample that was sent to tritonlab.
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I would go to a third party to check that calcium rather than knee jerk "Triton must be right", someone in the area with an old school calcium test kit, or perhaps a store can test?
You are pretty close to me. Can always check with against mine. I tested mine against a standard and it was within tolerances.
If you can make the meetings saturady I can test.
Man what crazy two weeks
After conducting so many different tests, it’s official... my Hana testers are way off. I’ve been assuming I had the correct parameters all this time but was far from it.
Ended up replacing all my test kits with salifert’s. So far consistent with Neptun’s and a couple of other friends.
But that was not the big issue or shall I say issues... as they say when it rains it pours.
First, one of my MP60’s lost grip and cracked its casing. Sent it for repair a week and half ago and finally got it today.
Second, I was attending to my calcium reactor and noticed the circulating pump was not pumping. Got a new pump and as I was installing, the manifold cracked like graham crackers. I been wanting to upgrade my reactor but was not expecting to do it. Well... ended up pulling the trigger on an reef octopus 200 Calcium rector.
Now that things have settled down a bit for the past week... things are looking really good.
Ca is now 430
Alk is now 9.5
Po4 is .15ish
No3 is .2
Here are some pics:
It's not showing me the pics!
If you want confirmation, Hanna does make a standard reference solution.
Yeah I thought about that. However, it’s not only one checker, it’s all of them. All, Ca, and PO4. To be honest, I loved Hanna’s convenience. Just not sure if I can trust it anymore.
I’ve never (that I know of) had problems with my Hannah checkers. I’ve got the same 3 it sounds like you had. How far off were they?