Reef nutrition

Eric's Frag tank!!!

And we are leak testing!!!!!! Saltwater is being delivered at 10am!!!

Having a tank in the garage can be a net positive... makes you think about updating the rest of the space. We ended up plugging a lot of outside air leaks that were causing it to be colder than it needed to be during the cold months.
Having a tank in the garage can be a net positive... makes you think about updating the rest of the space. We ended up plugging a lot of outside air leaks that were causing it to be colder than it needed to be during the cold months.
Lol, in my case, my garage just got messier
Now I guess I have to clean my garage a bit...

Hey Eric your work is super clean and quality. I previously had a garage unfinished like yours and man did the temperate swing a lot based on climate. I ended up moving my frag tank out the garage until I finished it with drywall. You may really want to consider drywall that garage and shoving some R13 in the wall. Really makes a huge difference. I personally went to the next level and went double sheet of “x” rated drywall. 1.5 inch thick!!
