Cali Kid Corals

10th SF Tank Tour - Sunday Nov 8th

Arnold will get everything set up no worries, then he'll email out addresses/schedule of things to come. He's done this rodeo a few times :D

Being as Jon is volunteering his place for lunch that might be the first stop being as it's the farthest out of the city. Then the couple places near GG park on the way back then finishing up with the others.
Hello folks, - yes there is still room. Please confirm if you can go so I can make a schedule.

Also please RSVP in the correct format - Merith

Like what aqua-nut did above.

Sorry Anhit I will remove you - thanks for letting me know.
Sorry Gusty - let me know if plans change
ok I added Matt, Anyone else? Please let me know what you plan on bringing. If you want to donate $10 instead let me know. I will use to buy Plates and stuff again.

The tentative schedule will look like this. (times may change)

11:00 am JAR's Place - Potluck
1:15 pm Wilfred's Place
2:15 pm Lucky Ocean Store visit? (optional)
3:00 pm Arnold's Place
4:00 pm Mike's Place

Please post questions the past some folks have done carpools as parking can be interesting....fortunately the areas of the tour aren't that bad.
Nathan +1 / @naterock101 / viewing / dessert of some kind / anytime but 11/7 or 11/14-16

Our tank is definitely not the nicest tank in this group considering we've moved it three times in a year (and it's hard!) but we'd be happy to show it and our crazy dexters laboratory were we are building FishBit. (In Presidio Park.)

Nathan - how big is your tank and where in the Presidio are you in? I have space if you really want to show it - just confirm with me. Thanks
Nathan - how big is your tank and where in the Presidio are you in? I have space if you really want to show it - just confirm with me. Thanks

Its the RSM 250 (so about 65 gallons i think since im lazy and havn't reattached my 30 gallon external sump)

Unfortunately i actually am going to be away on the 8th and dont come back until the next day :(
1 more week to got? I haven't had anymore updates? Adresses will go out in PM to those who have confirmed with me with a potluck item. : )
@Apon, just a heads up as I know that @Nav is gone for a week so you will have to get him to figure out his potluck item when he gets back next week Friday or sat not sure exactly when...