Reef nutrition

2013 Regional Frag Swap Help Thread

Piper said:
pinner - I put you down for cleanup too. It usually goes fast when we have enough hands so we shouldn't keep you too long after the swap :)

ok np, the longer im out of my apt the better, dont get out much as id like to :-(
sfsuphysics said:
ahem... post #5

Mike - I know I had you down there at one point. David must have deleted you by mistake :) Thank you for helping out! That gives us a solid crew for swap patrol.

Piper said:
sfsuphysics said:
ahem... post #5

Mike - I know I had you down there at one point. David must have deleted you by mistake :) Thank you for helping out! That gives us a solid crew for swap patrol.


LOL! Put me down as official BAR scapegoat. :bigsmile:

Sorry if I inadvertently screwed with your list, Charlie. Thanks everyone for stepping up to help out - many hands make for light work!
David, I'm pretty sure it was an oversight on my part. It just happened to be very convenient to blame you at the time :)

Scapegoat was in the job description when you signed up for the BOD, wasn't it??

Ok Every one ......6 more days till "showtime". Is everyone on the list still able to voluteer ? Just want to verify if there are going to be any last minute changes (hopefully not )
Hey Guys and Gals

I just wanted to give everyone that helped out a big THANK YOU :bigsmile: We could not have made this swap possible without your help :)
