Our mission

6/1 Members-Only Frag Swap at Mission Blue Center

Will you be attending the frag swap?

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Came home and seen the beginning of this before it went crazy

Thanks to everyone who made it out today! I want to give special thanks to

@Coral reefer for grabbing the food and making sure everyone was fed

@Bruce Spiegelman for single-handedly making this an amazing raffle

All the volunteers for handling what was by far our largest post-COVID swap with aplomb and grace: @Keegan @dangalang @Lullaby @psidriven @elee901 @Srt4eric @Invictus @MichaelB @B the Nano Reefer @derek_SR @Turkeysammich @Apon @Alexx @JVU @Darkxerox @ReyDeFarts (and all the innocent bystanders Tiff and I roped into helping out when we needed it)

@wishtoboutside for his Hydros demo setup

All the people who returned the club flashlights after they used them

We couldn't do this event without all the different people that step up to help, and I want to give a particular shout-out to the new members and new volunteers who weren't afraid to step up and say, "What can I do to help?" That attitude is what helps make the club what it is, and a big part of why I bothered to stay involved when I moved 3 hours away. Proud of everyone in the club, and glad that everyone had a good time!
Whats the brand on those coral clippers? Wanted to look into getting some myself.
Here they are. Super nice:
