
6th SF Tank Tour - Tentantive Sun Dec 6th?

We had one over a year ago in SJ, but if you want one go ahead and organize one : ). I do the SF one because I like to, but its not a official BAR event. You can do the same thing in SJ if you want too. Nothing really stopping you, other wise you have to wait until someone else steps up to do it.

Garvin, man up! when we did it in Mark's place or even Ian's place we had to take turns to view it. : ) or are you whipped! Ha ha.
Joel I keep track of the rsvp - So far I have only had 1 or 2 not show up, so usually people tell me if they can't come. I also keep a wait list if needed. you can read the old thread to see how I do the tracking.

Thanks Rich I will keep that in mind, but we have to get ourselves in right? Matt gave the tour last time, but it was an effort to get everyone in, not sure if I want to do that again.

Jim I will add you too.
im whipped, lol.

jimmy, there's a slight chance i might not be able to make it and will know more by the end of nov. if i can go on the tour, you can definitely ride with me. carpool ftw.
Yep, everyone would need to get themselves in but its less crowded than it used to be and you can get tickets in advance online. :D
Reef Keeper said:
After viewing the older threads, it appears that 4 or 5 of the 20 Members show their aquariums (feel free to correct me if I'm incorrect). I would have thought the number would be higher. I am wondering if you'd ever considered just opening this event to the members who are showing?

The primary reason for this is this is a San Francisco showing, not the entirety of BAR, and simply put there aren't that many SF BAR members who feel their tank(s) are up to snuff to show off. Most of the attendees most likely aren't even San Francisco residents which is why the relatively small number showing vs viewing. Over all when you count in driving from place to place, parking, eating lunch (potluck style), sometimes we even hit up some of the LFS too, overall it takes a good 3-4 hours from start to finish usually, if we had 20 people showing tanks, even in San Francisco only, it would literally be a dawn to dusk event that would be way too tiresome.
Apon said:
Joel - where do you live...

I live in Montara, 7 miles south of Pacifica and 9 miles north of Half Moon Bay. I think I may be too far out of the loop. Also, we are having our Motorcycle Club Christmas party in Saratoga from 9am to Noon on the 6th, so I may not be able to make it back from Saratoga to my place after 1. Maybe we can do a Pennsula Tank Crawl sometime soon. I would love to have some of our Members over. I'm still game for the 6th or if that date or time changes that would be okay better. :) . LMK WYT

Happy Reefing,
sfsuphysics said:
Reef Keeper said:
Over all when you count in driving from place to place, parking, eating lunch (potluck style), sometimes we even hit up some of the LFS too, overall it takes a good 3-4 hours from start to finish usually, if we had 20 people showing tanks, even in San Francisco only, it would literally be a dawn to dusk event that would be way too tiresome.

Thanks Apon....

Wow. I didn't take into consideration the time factor. I can see how a lot of time could get gobbled up. Thank you for your perspective. So many tanks to see so little time. :( It sounds as though 20 may be too many then.
Hey Arman, I have been wanting to see your new setup!

Joel - we usually stay at a tank for 30-45minutes, people talk, have questions etc.. Like Mike says it takes time and we have done this before, so I know exactly how much time it takes.

Mike, I told Matt about it today. He might go if he is done moving....

I got to feed some of Rich's baby cuttles today...Rich I like baby cuttle G - he/she went right after the shrimp.
Real Name / BAR handle / Showing vs viewing
RSVP so far

1.) Arnold/ Apon / Showing 120 mixed reef tank.
2.) Joel/ Reef Keeper/ viewing - late arrival? 1pm?
3.) Jason / Eight / Viewing
4.) Bonnie / bebe1120 / Viewing
5.) Art / kinetic / Viewing
6.) Ian/IanI/showing
7.) Tim/Timten/viewing
8.) aalhait / AJ / Viewing
9.) Eric/Ibn/Viewing
10.) garvin/glee/tentatively viewing
11.) Mike/sfsuphysics/showing
12.) Jim/ Gimmito/ viewing
13. )Arman/reefer/ showing 120 (on tresaure island)

****Rich/ Thales / Showing 212,000 mixed reef tank if you want to fit it in before 3.
How many of you are interested in a Steinhart tour? I work as a volunteer there too, but Rich has offered to guide us around, but we need to get our selves in again. Last time, we got some folks in because some people were members and can allow a guest with them. The rest bought tickets and split the cost. I was thinking to make this optional and its easy to go in the morning. Please let me know if you are interested and if you are a memeber or willing to pay for tickets...I can get them discounted. We might be able to start the tour there...parking is free on sundays in the park till 6pm, I believe. We could start the tour here for those interested and for the others they can meet up at the first house stop.

just write name / interested yes or no/ steinhart member or pay for ticket.

Arnold/ yes/ member