High Tide Aquatics

6th SF Tank Tour - Tentantive Sun Dec 6th?

showing? viewing/member
Just throwing it out there again if you think folks would drive to Muir Beach.
It could be the first or last stop and one could bail if they wanted.
It is 20 mins from GGB

Some pros.
Happy to do it.
My wife said she would bake cookies. (famous in the region)
Tons of parking.
210 gallon in wall.
Muir Woods/Muir Beach is close for those interested.
Ok here is the 1st draft of the schedule, because I know you guys want to see it! Nothing final feel free to send me your thoughts - especially about the end of the tour option. We got at least 5 tanks to see.

Allowing for 15 minutes travel time in the city...estimate

10 am -11am Steinhart Behind the Scenes Tour - if we get enough interest - so far it looks like only about 5 people, with 1 member (me)so I can get 1 person in free - not looking so good. This is the members only hour so less folks will be there. I also get discount tickets from work too.

11:15 am - 12pm Ian place/Coral store actually : )

12:15 am - 1pm Arnold's place - (we could do lunch here in my club room, but I think my condo is too small itself.)

1:15pm - 2:15pm Mike's Place - Late Lunch and Potluck here TBD - he has the room and seats too.

2:30pm - 3:15pm Patrick's Place - ( 1st time showing tank!)

3:30 - 4:15pm Arman place ( 1st time showing tank!) He is on Treasure Island so not far from SF and there is parking and no Bridge Toll.

5pm tour end? Ok folks we have some options here (pros and cons)

option1 - ( reef keeper) Joel has offered to show his tank in Montara about 30 minutes from TI. Not really part of SF are but we actually do have the time. No bridge toll, but we may someday have a penisula tour ( if someone offers to organize one since they are quite a few folks in that area)

option 2 -John (JAR) has also offered to show his tank in Muir beach also about 30 minutes from TI. golden gate toll, but there really is no members in Marin that I know of, so we may never get to see his tank in person- only in the threads. his wife offered to bake cookies too.

option 3 - End the tour at Arman's which actually opens to schedule up so we can spend more time at the exist tanks.

Other ideas? of course if we don't do the Steinhart that can open up another option as well - we can start the tour in a different place too.
Only a few more spaces left. I stll need to hear back from thoose of you who have not responded about the steinhart ( all those with ??? next to your name). Right now it looks like we only have a few people that want to go, understandable since a bunch of us went before last tour too.

JAR should I add you the the viewing list for now?

FYI - members can get 1 person in for free.

1.) Arnold/ Apon / Showing 120 mixed reef tank. - steinhart yes/member
2.) Joel/ Reef Keeper/ Viewing - possibly showing if location (Montara) fits in schedule - steinhart yes/ticket
3.) Jason / Eight / Viewing steinhart no- went last month
4.) Bonnie / bebe1120 / Viewing steinhart no- went last month
5.) Art / kinetic / Viewing - steinhart yes
6.) Ian/IanI/showing - steinhart no
7.) Tim/Timten/viewing ????
8.) aalhait / AJ / Viewing ????
9.) Eric/Ibn/Viewing ????
10.) garvin/glee/tentatively viewing - steinhart no
11.) Mike/sfsuphysics/showing - steinhart no
12.) Jim/ Gimmito/ viewing - steinhart yes - need ticket
13. )Arman/reefer/ showing 120 (on tresaure island) ????
14.) Patrick/patrickb/viewing--showing if necessary
15.) Jimmy/jimmyc/viewing ????
16.) Perry/xinumaster/viewing - steinhart yes - need ticket
17.) Benjamin/Guihan/Viewing-steinhart no
18.) John/JAR/Viewing?
Ahem, I have room... the seats are another matter remember last time I asked people to bring folding chairs or something... folding tables I got, I can bring a few chairs from upstairs, and there's the bench in the center of the tank room... over all, worst case scenario people eat standing up :D

Make sure to keep Arman on standby however, depending upon when they close the bridge down again for the repairs could make that a no-show.

Option 1: Jeremy is in that neck of the woods (that city in fact I believe!) so if he's not too girly to open up his house to strangers, maybe that would make a better pennisula tour than try to crowd it in.

Option 2: 30min from TI? No way! It'll take 30min just to get to the bridge from TI won't it? Ok maybe not so bad on Sunday depends if there are any parades or protests going on in the city.

For those who are coming from the East Bay and want to carpool maybe they should all meet up at Arman's place first so they can leave cars there and drive around together, they might even be able to fit Arman's car into someone's car :D My place has kinda sorta ok parking, at the very least there are no meters in my neck of the woods, however its really a roundabout place to drive from my house to Ian's, even those coming from the south it's more a direct shot from 280 to 19th to get to his place..
I am in for the behind the scenes tour(member) and will hang in through Mikes place for sure.
I may have to get home after that.
If a Stienhart visit is going to interfere with the tour, lets skip is. Someone can organize another visit for another time. :D
I think a Steinhart tour is great for a day in itself, the last time the tour was great but quite a bummer to not get to look around since the security slowly closed the noose on our exits.
Type error. I'm not able to make Steinhart as mentioned earlier in the thread.

I'm starting to organize a Peninsula Tank Crawl, but folks out here tell me they prefer to hold off until after the New Year....

I'd throw mine in too for viewing but I am about 15-20 mins from the city (non-rush hour). I am also fine saving my for the hopefully upper Pennisula tour.
New Draft schedule ???

Allowing for 15 minutes travel time in the city...estimate

10:30am - maybe form car pools? TBD

11am - JAR's 210 at Muir Beach - Potluck Lunch there? John let me know if that is doable?

1:30pm Ian place/Coral store actually : )

2:30 pm Arnold's place -

3:30pm Mike's Place

4:30pm Patrick's Place - ( 1st time showing tank!)

5:30pm Arman place ( 1st time showing tank!) He is on Treasure Island so not far from SF and there is parking and no Bridge Toll.

6:15pm tour end?

How does that work for everyone?
So it looks like the we don't have enough members for the steinhart tour and the ones that needs tickets really isn't worth paying for for Just 1 hour in there. I think we will let that part go. We can always do a Steinhart day if we want later. Thanks Rich for the offer.

Joel, since you have a another engagement in the morning and there seems to be enough tanks in your area to do a Tour down there later, I think I will let your tank be part of that area tour later on.

OK - How do you guys feel if we start our tour in Muir Beach to see JAR's 210 inwall tank at like 11:00am? And maybe have lunch out there too ( if that is ok with JAR) and then swing back into SF to Ian's place and follow the schedule from there? Joel, if we set the time at Ian's at like 1:30pm then you could meet up with us there ( unless you decide to come for the whole day) otherwise you would only miss 1 tank on the tour. We could meet in SF at my place ( I am basically in the middle of everyone and parking isn't too bad) to form car pools before heading out to Marin. If not everyone wants to go that far, please let me know.
Apon said:
Joel, if we set the time at Ian's at like 1:30pm then you could meet up with us there ( unless you decide to come for the whole day) otherwise you would only miss 1 tank on the tour.

What a great line up. I'd love to do the whole day event with you folks.

I have a M/C ride to Stinson Beach this Sunday and was hoping I might be able to swing by JAR's place on the way back. I haven't decided yet if I want to do the Stinson Run yet. If JAR is up for the visit, It would make the Stinson Beach Run more worth wild for me. I am even considering not attending the M/C Christmas party too, so I can tour with you folks.

Thank you for considering me and keep me in the loop. I'm looking forward to our Pennisula Tank Tour too. :bigsmile:

Happy Reefing,
Dude! Massive pressure. LOL
I would be happy and honored to do the above if it works for the group.

we could have the pot luck here in the pool house.