Cali Kid Corals

6th SF Tank Tour - Tentantive Sun Dec 6th?

Plan B is to move you off the list and maybe stop at a Fish store or end a little earlier I guess. When will you know Mike?

Bryan are you in as a viewer?
Honestly I don't know when I'll know.

The basics is I need to rent a cabin for a weekend in the snow in Tahoe or someplace, should be no problem *snicker*
Then need to figure out a catering/food deal to do, oh and she wants an official wedding cake... so the $5.99 Boston creme cake from Safeway is out.

Either way I'll bang out some tank stuff when I have the chance, I modified the hood already, although waiting for glue to dry is making it take longer than I want since I don't have enough clamps do glue everything and clamp it square... plus 4'x3' is an odd size and I don't have clamps that big... I might keep the floor unfinished and just work on cleaning the mess.
will do Bryan..although we are not full yet. Ok Mike let me know what you decide....congrats on the wedding engagement by the way
Eric, its up in the air, I think we may not need a cabin afterall because we may go for a family-less wedding kind of like an elope thing... mucho less headaches... fine by me :D
sfsuphysics said:
Eric, its up in the air, I think we may not need a cabin afterall because we may go for a family-less wedding kind of like an elope thing... mucho less headaches... fine by me :D
I highly recommend eloping to tropical paradise!
On our honeymoon we spent some quality time in Mexico.
This is the place. Xcalak Mexico
Awesome spot Mike.
Just do it!
Save your money Mike elope. The wife and I did a 10 day "honeymariage" in Iceland, nobody but ourselves. [Charles still doesn't believe me]. Best money I ever spent and used what would have gone toward the wedding to boost up for a down payment on the house I have now.
Iceland seems like an awesome place. This one photographer that I follow on Flickr has some awesome shots from Iceland:

She has pretty models too, go drool. (artistic but NSFW, link above is SFW though)
Yeah, so far it looks like I'm actually going to do the wedding thing on that weekend, not a honeymarriage, I'll save that for when ticket prices are more sane... we did have a timeshare reserved in Maui but she bookd it for the xmas weekend not thinking... needless to say tickets one way would cost more than 2 vortechs! EACH PERSON! Well we canceled that, and think we'll just try to find some quaint church somewhere in Tahoe, have a friend marry us or something, a weekend of snow activity (if there's snow) and be done with it. Need to get it done before the end of the year as there's quite a few bucks depending on it for my tax return for next year! :D
sfsuphysics said:
... we did have a timeshare reserved in Maui but she bookd it for the xmas weekend not thinking... needless to say tickets one way would cost more than 2 vortechs! :D

You know you are a "reef-a-holic" when you start comparing the cost of plane tickets for a Maui vacation to 2 vortechs. :p
2 vortechs per person! and that was just one way, if you're talking round trip for 2 that's more than 6 vortechs :D (seriously, a lot of money! Airlines get away with charging all that money because they know they can get away with it)
OK Mike so you are out on Dec 6th I guess- have a great wedding. I will put up a new draft plan later over the weekend.

Yes - Sendo there is still room.

Only a few more spaces left. We are almost at 20!
We can start a potluck list as we get closer, Thanks to JAR for letting have Lunch at his place.

I think this is the current list...

1.) Arnold/ Apon / Showing 120 mixed reef tank.
2.) Joel/ Reef Keeper/ Viewing - most likey meeting up with us after 1pm?
3.) Jason / Eight / Viewing
4.) Bonnie / bebe1120 /
5.) Art / kinetic / Viewing
6.) Ian/IanI/showing
7.) Tim/Timten/viewing
8.) aalhait / AJ / Viewing
9.) Eric/Ibn/Viewing
10.) garvin/glee/tentatively viewing
11.) Beverly/Guihan +1/veiwing
12.) Jim/ Gimmito/ viewing
13. )Arman/reefer/ showing 120 (on tresaure island)
14.) Patrick/patrickb/Showing
15.) Jimmy/jimmyc/viewing
16.) Perry/xinumaster/viewing
17.) Benjamin/Guihan/Viewing
18.) John/JAR/Showing
19.) Scott/Sendo/Viewing
20.) Open...or Yardartist : )

Waitlist. ( incase we need one - we did last time)
FYI Guys I talked to Lapsan today, and he said we can drop by his place to see his tank (300 gallon?) He might join part of the tour too.

Since we are two weeks out - lets start tarcking our potluck for the meal at Jar's place and arrange any car pools.

Arnold -I will bring some chow mein or dim sum. I can also drive a few people in my truck you just have to meet up at my place and leave your car.
Apon said:
FYI Guys I talked to Lapsan today, and he said we can drop by his place to see his tank (300 gallon?) He might join part of the tour too.

Since we are two weeks out - lets start tarcking our potluck for the meal at Jar's place and arrange any car pools.

Arnold -I will bring some chow mein or dim sum. I can also drive a few people in my truck you just have to meet up at my place and leave your car.

Hi Arnold,

I may want to car pool with you as I'll have had done a lot of motorcycling / touring before arriving back to your event. Feel free to let me know if you think this will work given the situation as it is.
But you are coming later after 1pm? if there is room left in my car you can car pool with me after we are at my house.