Reef nutrition

6th SF Tank Tour - Tentantive Sun Dec 6th?

sfsuphysics said:
I think I might just stick to this side of the bridge. If you have the potluck over there bring me back a few eggrolls or something :D

I was thinking more along the lines of fresh dungeness crabs and abalone or something.
It would be tough to drag that stuff into the city.
why Mike? just carpool with someone if you don't want to drive....anyways I haven't heard what others think of the new draft schedule.
Arnold, I might just do that. It's not so much a driving to be perfectly honest, the date is 1 week before finals starts (or round about) so my workload tends to get a little more hectic on the weekends and I just don't know exactly how busy I'll be by then.
I send out addresses a week before the tour.

Jimmy, you are a liitle late...I removed the steinhart off the tour .
Actually yes, and I think we started at 10 before too...epecially when we added stores to the lit. But not everyone stays for the whole thing...I extended the times too if you noticed, but as you know not everyone stays till the end always. I could shorten the times we stay at each place if goal is to end before 6pm.
I am starting to feel a little sick. I am sure I will be feeling sick by the 6th. I may not make it to work that day!

The tour sounds great. Arnold your last SF tour had two meals as the last stop turned into a feast, for those of us that made it over to Treasure Island.
So Bryan are you in for the tour? Not sure by reading your post?

Only a few more spaces left. We are almost at 20!
I hope everyone is ok with the new schedule. We can start a potluck list as we get closer, Thanks to JAR for letting have Lunch at his place.

I think this is the current list...

1.) Arnold/ Apon / Showing 120 mixed reef tank.
2.) Joel/ Reef Keeper/ Viewing - most likey meeting up with us after 1pm?
3.) Jason / Eight / Viewing
4.) Bonnie / bebe1120 /
5.) Art / kinetic / Viewing
6.) Ian/IanI/showing
7.) Tim/Timten/viewing
8.) aalhait / AJ / Viewing
9.) Eric/Ibn/Viewing
10.) garvin/glee/tentatively viewing
11.) Mike/sfsuphysics/showing
12.) Jim/ Gimmito/ viewing
13. )Arman/reefer/ showing 120 (on tresaure island)
14.) Patrick/patrickb/Showing
15.) Jimmy/jimmyc/viewing
16.) Perry/xinumaster/viewing
17.) Benjamin/Guihan/Viewing
18.) John/JAR/Showing
19.) Seminolecpa/ Bryan/Viewing?
20.) Open...or Yardartist : )
Arnold, I need you to draft plan B for the tank tours, there might be a distinct possibility I won't be able to show off (and maybe not even go). Bottom line is I"m planning my wedding, and well I think I might have to put cleaning up the fish room/garage on hold because I'm getting quite back logged with a lack of weekends coming up.
sfsuphysics said:
Arnold, I need you to draft plan B for the tank tours, there might be a distinct possibility I won't be able to show off (and maybe not even go). Bottom line is I"m planning my wedding, and well I think I might have to put cleaning up the fish room/garage on hold because I'm getting quite back logged with a lack of weekends coming up.

Mike, stop with the excuses. Isn't the wedding planning the girls job? jk