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A few 4th of July pics

One of my neighbors puts this flag up every year alternating light poles on our street


towards dusk we all start to get ready for the fireworks display on our street (we all light various stuff off )


my youngest daughter starting to light the sky up










I hope everyone had a safe Independence day
Those don't look like safe & sane fireworks anyway you cut it :D Something about actually making a projectile out of them that makes them illegal... plus they remind me a lot of the firework's show I saw last night in Sausalito :D

Up here on the Pennisula the "lame" fireworks are only allowed in San Bruno & Pacifica, over in the East bay I think they're legal in Union City.
Thanks Anthony

Your pictures are very nice.....I had my camera on my tripod but couldn't get a decent shot so i ended taking mostly handheld shots .

No fireworks are not legal in our city.....Lucky for us we have quite a few neighbors that are tied into law enforcement.

Mike ......these are sparklers hanging off a fishing pole......it just looks like an illegal projectile. lol
:O how in the heck your neighbor got that flag up there? the last time I saw someone climb a light pole was new years on Vegas. The guy climbed up, got shock, dropped and got arrested..

your 4th of July looks fun, my neighborhood was pretty quite. Which was ok with me, we stayed home and watched movies and changed lots of diapers. :)
Anthony .......these were not too big at all ..... some of the bigger stuff looks like professional grade fireworks .... now those I stay away from.


Not sure how he does it but every xmas he does the same only with a xmas tree design. I believe he must throw something like a weight to go up and over. I bet a nice quite eveniing is very much appreciated with a newborn.
Sergio, unfortunately sparklers are illegal too... at least the good kind :(

Stupid dumbass kids grabbing the wrong ends... you have a bucket with water, and you put the sparkler in after it's done, is that so damn hard for safety??!!?!?!?
We have nice fireworks in Foster City. From the picture though, the light it and run for your life method, seems sketchy :p
All {i]legal[/i] fireworks in CA are "safe and sane" Mike :( FWIW there are so new ones on the market that actually make a good bang and the flowers are back minus the fin but a little cardboard and glue...bam...they fly again :)
Yeah we used to grab the Piccolo Petes (the ones that make a horridly loud screeching sound), and crimp them right in the middle. Light them suckers up they'd screeched then BOOM! ... man those were good times. I went to my parents house (fireworks are legal there) a few years back and like one house on the entire block set them off, it's just no fun anymore.

If it's not the old people complaining about the haze of smoke, it's the families who worry about their kids too much.
sfsuphysics said:
If it's not the old people complaining about the haze of smoke, it's the families who worry about their kids too much.

Darn tooting :)
Can you? Only reason we'd do the piccolo petes is because their relatively thin compared to their length, and really easy to do with tools around the house (granted you have to realize this was 20 years ago... I'm sure I could crimp just about anything now :D). Man those were the memories, crimping them in my friend's father's table clamp, cringing away because we thought they might explode on us... *sigh* Just imagine what we could have done if we had some knowledge!
We just stuck them in a vice and lit them, works like a charm. There is something magic though, about hearing a Piccolo make a noise like a sick cow instead of screaming and then exploding.
Back many years ago, I went to visit family in Tennessee. It spanned through the 4th of July. I couldn't believe the fireworks that they had. NOTHING was illegal (or so it seamed).
OMG no kidding. I've traveled the south and there are stretched of Alabama/Tenn/etc that have giant warehouse for fireworks every other lot and in between is usually some psuedo amusement park :lol: Mile and miles of that on my last journey from Athens to Mich.
I made many a run to "South of the Border" in SC and other amazing rocket shops in that area, AMAZING what you can get there. My dad used to go to North Dakota when I was a kid and he'd bring back a good arsenal from there as well. One of the fireworks shot what looked like a ball of lava into the air which promptly came back down and melted part of the street we lived on, good times :D
I hear banjos and bottle rockets for some reason :lol: but damn, it's also a dry country!!!!!!