Brian, yeah it's based upon a particular single family home and the area that they live, for instance me in San Francisco I don't get as high an electrical usage as any place where AC is the norm. Is it fair? Eh... how else would you do it? Should you get more power allocated to you just because you have a larger house? How about people in the house? Want PG&E knocking on your door every year or so to take a census of who lives there?
What I hate is the water company when it would implement mandatory water rationing when I already was conserving a lot, so I was skirting the edge of the bare minimum (no lawn, minimal laundry, quick showers) so when I had to cut 10% it was a lot harder than someone who washes their car every weekend and has a huge lawn they keep nice and green. So rather than getting pissed I got a reef tank, and a girl who moved in and takes showers on average 6 times as long as I do, now if I need to cut water no problem, I give her less time in the shower
Aalhait, well your solaris is 400w for the 48" fixture right? 500w for the 2 halides, lets say 100w for the 3 pumps so if you have all the lights on for 8 hours a day (just to get a number) .4kW * 8h + .5kW *8h * .1kW * 3 * 24h = 14.4kW a day just from the lights and pumps, the chiller could also add to that quite a bit depending how often it kicks on. Even if you run your tank on a night schedule your chiller most likely will be working more during the day and your pumps end up costing you more since peak usage is 3 times as much as non peak, so really during those hours they're costing you 3 times as much as they do at night (even though the electricity amount is the same)
Here's a question you mention a time of use meter with your solar panels which IIRC might not be a good thing to do, while yes your solar panels sell power at that higher peak rate, which IIRC is close to 30cents per kWh just for the first tier but shoots up to over 60c per kWh if you're in the 300% range. So if your solar panels are not keeping up with your usage during the day you could potentially be majorly screwed because even in off peak rates its still 9 cents per kWh which isn't much cheaper than a standard usage rate. So in order for you to break even on power usage you need your panels to make more power than you use during the day plus 1/3 of what you use at night. ToU is great only if you aren't using much of any power during the day. If after all your AC, Pool, Spa, etc your panels still aren't making adequate power to cover that load you should really think about switching back to an E-1 usage which is a 1:1 trade off, every kWh you make you bank with no conversions at all.
Yikes just looked at PG&Es rates for E-1 apparently the 300% baseline is charging $0.44348 now!